Chapter 2: Sir Aaron

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Once Charizard flow away with Pikachu and Ash, they landed in the forest. Deep deep within the forest. Charizard placed Ash on the green grass of the forest gently. Pikachu went over to its fallen trainer, and cried. "Pika Pika pikachu" Pikachu said sadly. Charizard also let a silent tear roll down his face. There trainer Ash who cared so much about them. Enough to sacrifice himself for them. Was severely injured. They knew that if he didn't get the right medical attention soon then...he'll die.

There was a blinding light. The light was so bright it made the two loyal Pokémon close there eyes. After a few seconds when the light dimmed down they opened there eyes. There in front of them stood the mythical Pokémon. The alpha and God Pokémon, Arceus. "Greetings, fellow Pokémon." Arceus greeted the two Pokémon. Pikachu and Charizard looked at Arceus. "I'm here to help the chosen one. I've seen what happened and I'm going to help him. He'll have some scars but other than that he should be fine" Arceus informed them. Pikachu and Charizard let out a sigh of relief. There trainer. There friend was going to be ok.

They moved out of the way of the God Pokémon. The God Pokémon Arceus approached Ash and taped Ash with his foot. Ash was covered in a green light. Once the light went away. Ash was there sitting up slowly. "Pikachu, Charizard are you two ok?" After what just happened he was more worried about his Pokémon. Only when he sat up full did he see Arceus. "Greetings, chosen one. I healed you so you should be fine. Just, take it easy" Arceus said as he approached Ash again. "A-Arceus?" Ash asked in confusion. "Yes chosen one, it is eye" Arceus answered Ash's confused question.

"I'm here to make sure your ok, my chosen one" Arceus said to Ash. "W-why?" Ash asked. "Because your my choice one" Arceus answered simply like it was obvious. "Anyway, I would like you to go to Mt. Silver. It's safer there for me. I'll talk to you again when your there" with what Arceus disappeared. Ash took a minute to collect his thoughts. He took a deep breath and stood up. He looked at Charizard, as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder and nudged him. "I'm fine Pikachu" Ash tried to reassure Pikachu he was fine but his was not very convincing.

"Charizard, could you please fly us to Mt. Silver" Ash asked his Charizard. Charizard nodded. Ash mounted Charizard and they where off. They flow in silence, through the air. The only sound that could be heard was the wind as they flow at top speed. Ash lent back slightly enjoying the wind. It made him relax. It made him feel free. He was happy he left. They can't hurt him anymore. But he was sad they he couldn't say goodbye to Gary.....and Professor Oak. He heard Gary's cry's when he was hit by the attacks. He heard Gary's pained cry's. Ash looked into the sky as silent tears ran down his face. "I guess this is goodbye,.....Gary" he said into the empty sky.

After a few hours they finally landed at Mt. Silver. They weren't greeted with a warm welcome that's for sure. They where greeted with the icy cold winds of the mountain. The pure white cloud like snow on the ground. Luckily though it was there was no blizzards to greet them. They waited around for a few minutes, taking in there new surroundings. Then Arceus appeared in front of Ash yet again. "Greetings again chosen one". Ash bowed. "Greetings, your majesty" Ash greeted Arceus. "There's no need for formalities" Arceus informed Ash. Ash stood up straight. "What did you want to tell me, Arceus?" Ash asked the God Pokémon.

"I want to talk to you about your father" Arceus told Ash. "My f-father" Ash stumbled over the word that's so foreign to him. "Yes Ash, your father" Arceus confirmed. Ash looked down not knowing what to say. He doesn't have many memories of his father. The only memory he has is when he left with his wild Pidgeotto. And him trying to follow him shouting at him. And all his father said was that he'll understand one day. Ash guessed that, that day was know. Ash took a deep breath and looked back up at Arceus. Arceus continue "your father was not from this time line".

This confused Ash but he didn't interrupted. "He was from the past". Ash listen careful. Not wanting to miss something. Not wanting to miss the chase to get to know what his dad was like, and where he was form. "He was an Aura Guardian". Ash stoped breathing at this point. The only Aura Guardian that he knows of is Sir Aaron. And when he had the costume of Sir Aaron on his friends. Well former friends said he looked like him. Even Sir Aaron's Lucario thought Ash was him.

"He, he was Sir Aaron wasn't he?" Ash asked looking Arceus straight in the eyes. "Yes, he was Ash" Arceus answer the question from Ash. Pikachu rubbed his cheek against Ash to try to comfort him. It worked. "What happened?" Ash asked Arceus. Wanting to know what happened for his dad to end up in the future.  "He encountered Celebi and Celebi teleport him to your time. He feel in love with your mother. You know what happened next. When you where born I realise what Celebi did. And told him to send him back, to the exact moment after he was taken. So that time line was not affected. Leaving you. I informed him before so he could say goodbye to you." Arceus told Ash. Ash was crying because know he knew how his father died. He seen him and didn't know. The last thing he had of him. Was his Lucario. He's fathers Lucario died to save him.

Ash fell to the ground and punched it. "Damn it". He said as he punched it again. "Damn it" He said a little loud as he punched the floor harder. "Damn it. Damn it. DAMN IT!" Ash yelled punching the ground repeatedly. Ash's pikachu tried to get him to stop but failed. Ash kept punching the ground harder and harder every time. Arceus watched as the boy yelled out in frustration, anger and pain. He watched as the boy punched the ground in frustration and anger. He watched as the boy felt helpless. He himself felt helpless, not knowing how to help.

Suddenly a flash was seen a approaching Ash. Ash was too consumed in what he was doing and the memories that replayed in his mind to see the flash. The memories that replayed in his mind, where the betrayal and his last memory with his father. He wanted to change his last memory with his dad. He wanted to hug him and say bye. Not tell him that he's the worst. The flash was joined with another flash. That was not far behind it. Ash still didn't notice it. Pikachu was about to attack them until he seen who they where. Ash's fist when to punch the floor again but was stoped. One of the flashes grabbed his fist stopping Ash from punching the ground again. The flash was none other than Greninja. To be more precise Ash's Greninja. With a Lucario stood behind him.

Ash looked up to see Greninja. "Nin?" Greninja asked Ash. "I'm ok now....Thanks" Ash said as he sat back, sitting on the ground. "Anyway, enough about me. How are you?" Ash asked. "Greninja" Greninja said. "That's good. Did you get rid off all the vines?" Ash questioned. Greninja nodded. "That's good" Ash looked behind Greninja to see a Lucario.

"Well hello, Lucario" Ash greeted the unknown Pokémon, while stroking Pikachu. "Master, I'm the Riolu you saved" the Lucario said bowing to Ash. "No need to call me Master, Lucario. Now why are you here?" Ash asked Lucario. "I'm here to ask can I join your team. I meet your Greninja and he said he'll take me to you" Lucario asked and informed. "Sure you can" Ash said as he took out a Poke-ball and Lucario tapped it happy. It dinked signifying that Ash had caught Lucario.

"Lucario come out" Ash's Lucario came out of its poke ball. "Wellcome to the family" Ash said with his best attempt off a smile. Trying to hide how he felt. The pain he felt. "Thank you, Master" Lucario said while bowing again. Ash just let it be as he turned his attention to the mythical Pokémon, Arceus.

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