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Tomorrow finally came, and Jisoo was nothing but a nervousness formed into a human. She never felt this nervous before, not even on their first concert, nor the first time she had wrong step on one of their choreographies.

She gripped Chaeyoung's hand tightly while walking on their way to the table. Of course, she and Jennie had history that Irene would probably never wanna remember. Chaeyoung turned to her, eyes worried, she could feel her unnie's cold sweaty palm.

"Unnie," Jisoo turned to her, breaking her thoughts "calm down. It's just Irene" Jisoo frowned, her face says it wants to cry and just run away. Chaeyoung suddenly chuckled when she remembered the time they went zip lining, this is the same face that Jisoo was showing.

They sat down and settled, the table set up was the same as last year. So RV's table was just beside BP's.

Jisoo went stone hard and can't tilt her head on the other side, afraid that a small turn would scare Irene away, or melt her even.

Jisoo lightly bump Lisa's arm, asking for her attention, Lisa turned to her in raised eyebrows "Is she there?" Jisoo asked in stern voice. Lisa went confused at first then started laughing, gaining the attention of other members. She blocked her mouth when she noticed she was too loud.

Lisa leaned closer to Jisoo and whispered "Yes, you ass hat. Why aren't you looking that way?" she laughed again, but silently this time "You look stupid"

Jisoo finally tilted her head, just to flick Lisa on the forehead. Her teeth gritted, she doesn't know if it's still because of nervousness or because Lisa is hella annoying. Lisa scratched her forehead and straightened her sit, pouting.

It gave Jisoo a little courage, she slowly roamed her eyes towards RV's table, until her eyes fell on Irene. She was wearing a red dress, long sleeves, with bare shoulders. Her lips were red too, and her smile was still incomparable. She can't help but to be mesmerized by the view. She didn't noticed that her lips were agape until Lisa lifted her chin. She immediately gave Lisa a punching pose, while the latter was dying, trying to hide her laughter. Jisoo hissed and rolled her eyes.

Her gaze went back to Irene, but her eyes narrowed when she noticed a weird expression from the girl. Irene was giggling, her head was facing the stage but her eyes were looking down from time to time. Jisoo would like to know what made Irene act like that, she stopped being bothered when she saw Suelgi behind the girl. Seulgi was giggling too, her left arm are stretched towards Irene's lap.

Jisoo shrugged, the two were playing around, she's glad to see Irene this happy again.

When the event finally ended, Jisoo didn't avert  her eyes away from Irene. The girl shouldn't get away this time. Fortunately, she found the opportunity when she saw Irene rushing out of the hall alone, she chased her until they were outside the building. It was already dark, Irene was looking at her wrist watch, waiting for her car. She seemed to be in hurry, maybe because she knew that Jisoo might be looking for her again.

"Irene!" she turned around and saw Jisoo standing  10 feet away from her, this is the first time she saw Jisoo this close again. She was still stunning as ever, with her blue glittery sleeveless dress and bare arms. The only difference is her pale skin, and sad hopeful eyes. She immediately looked away and focused on the road again, ignoring Jisoo.

Jisoo didn't hesitate anymore. She walked towards Irene and gently pulled her arm to face her. "Irene, please" she pleaded "just let me talk"

Irene gently shoved Jisoo's hand down "What do you want Jisoo?" her eyes still looked as hurtful as before. She turned her full body to Jisoo, she wasn't mad anymore, but she was cold "Make it fast because I'm in a hurry"

Jisoo signed in relief, her hands were trembling but she grabbed both of Irene's hands anyway. Irene could feel Jisoo's shaking body as she looked down on her cold hands and up to her eyes again "I know I did something wrong," she started, bitting her trembling bottom lip, trying to stop herself from bursting "but it was a mistake. You're the one I want, Irene" her voice hoarse, her tears started falling. She tilted her head up, avoiding Irene's gaze. Irene stayed quiet, giving her more time to explain. Her now soaking wet eyes turned to Irene again,
"Irene, I—"

Jisoo was cut off when someone snatched Irene's hand, separating the two of them. Suelgi was panting, she went running. Jisoo looked down on their tangled hands, she frowned in confusion. What's happening?

"Sorry Jisoo," Irene finally spoke, looking at Jisoo apologetic, she at least needed to clear things up with her "too late" she turned to Seulgi and they both stared at each other. Seugli bowed her head. She didn't mean to hurt Jisoo this way.

Jisoo laughed hysterically, her tears kept flowing, of all people, why did she trust this girl at the first place? Jisoo felt betrayed. Seulgi was their middleman. Suelgi, who she gave lunch just yesterday. "You're kidding me, right?" she said in a cracked voice, still grinning.

Irene looked down, her eyes becoming glossy, she can't afford seeing Jisoo like this, it breaks her. Just when the car arrived, she immediately turned around so Jisoo wouldn't see her nearly falling tears. She walked towards the car with an aching heart.

"Irene!" Irene paused, but she didn't look back. She straightened her face but her tears were continuously flowing "I love you," Jisoo said in a pleading and desperate voice"but I don't know anymore, I don't know if you're still the Irene I knew before" she bowed turning around and started walking away like a dead person, she can't feel her feet, or her throbbing head, she felt numb.

Irene's world stopped. She wasn't able to move, could she live without Jisoo? She asked herself. Could she live without the presence of Jisoo everyday? Will she miss the daily lunch and short thoughtful sticky notes? And their sweet memories? The emotions she felt that only Jisoo could give?

Suelgi started pulling Irene gently in the car. She shut the door close and sat at the passenger seat, leaving Irene dumbfounded at the back seat. She tilted her head outside the window and watched as Jisoo slowly disappeared.

The car started moving, Irene felt a bothering piece of paper hanging on her sleeve where Jisoo touched her, she took it and stared at the familiar note, her eyes widened when she realized what it was. She blocked her mouth and started sobbing.

Jisoo loved her, treasured her, right from the moment where she left her broken in pieces. Regret was haunting her, she wished she gave Jisoo a chance. But how? Now that Jisoo was done.

"Date in the park? ;)"

She wiped her tears and sniffed, rolling her window open, she whispered on the wind, "I love you too, Jisoo" as she held the note closer to her chest.

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