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Blaise and Luna had joined the Malfoy's for a night out, Hermione had to say she most definitely needed to see her friends, she was going mental with her family

Theo had eagerly joined them, he had forced Blaise and Draco into a booth and sat in the edge of the booth, not allowing the two Slytherins to go to their corresponding wives

"Let the record show, I had them first" he huffed when Hermione raised an eyebrow at him

"But they married us" Luna stated

"Because I allowed it" Theo retorted

"Theodore Reese Nott, you married Pansy before any of us for married" Hermione smirked

"You told her?!" Theo yelled at Draco

Draco flinched and glared at his wife

"Accidentally" Draco muttered

"I've known your middle name was Reese for years" Luna smiled


Hermione burst out laughing

"I got lucky the Malfoy's have the tradition of naming their heirs after their fathers" Draco smirked "you two have the most unfortunate luck" he laughed, joining his wife who was close to crying

"Oh—" Hermione laughed loudly

"I hate you" Theo sneered

Luna giggled before taking a sip of her water

"I'm getting hammered, let's go wankers" Theo ordered, dragging Blaise and Draco by the scruff of their shirts

"Should we contact Pansy?" Hermione asked

"We'll have to wait and see" Luna said

Hermione hummed, she saw Theo buy an expensive bottle of firewhiskey and sighed

This was going to be a long night


They ended summoning Pansy after Theo sobbed for two hours straight muttering that he didn't have his favourite muggle there

Pansy entered the bar and sighed when her husband was hugging Draco's leg

"Is it too late to divorce him?" She asked Hermione

Hermione giggled

"Parkinson!" Blaise slurred "I have a secret" he sang

Theo leg go of Draco's leg and covered Blaise's mouth

"Theo — crush — you" Blaise mumbled against Theo's hand

"S-Shut up!" Theo hissed

"Does he?" Pansy smirked

"No!" Theo yelled

"Yes" Draco and Blaise smirked

"F-Fine" Theo hiccuped "I'll just t-tell Lovegood a-and G-Granger about y-your crushes" Theo threatened

"You wouldn't" Blaise sneered

"I would" Theo smirked


"Oh hi G-Granger" Theo smirked

Draco blushed and tried to fix his hair as Hermione came up to them

"Hello Theodore" she greeted

"Granger" Draco said

"Malfoy" she said

"F-Finally controlled y-your mane?" Draco smirked

"Finally stopped gelling your hair?"

Draco hiccuped and smirked drunkenly at her

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