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The next three days the boys were on high alert and as much as Hermione hated to admit, she did hope that this would cause the pranks wars to cease, she was tired of being stuck in the crossfire

She was in the kitchen eating some food when Scorpius came in, he grabbed a sandwich and was about to take a bite when his sister came in

Hermione watched with amusement as Lyra reached out for the same sandwich tray but at the last minute withdrew her hand and chose another tray

"You always eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the morning Ly" Scorpius stated, eyeing his sister suspiciously

"Today I was in the mood of something else" Lyra shrugged

She grabbed a bowl of cereal and some fruit before leaving the kitchens, Scorpius lowered the sandwich and grabbed an apple before leaving, a second later Lyra came back and placed her things on the table, grabbing several PB&J sandwiches before sitting beside her mother

Hermione chuckled and shook her head

"I take it your using physiological warfaiee to ruin your brothers appetite?" Hermione asked

Lyra shrugged as she took a bite of her sandwich

"Are you going to keep torturing your brother or is there an actual prank coming?" Hermione asked again "I don't want to be stuck in the middle of an attack" she told her

"Don't worry mum, what Oliva and I have planned, it won't affect you, dad, 'Dora or Leo" Lyra assured before standing up "just make sure that none of you go into the potions lab today or tomorrow" she warned before leaving

Hermione shook her head and grabbed another design

There was never a dull day at the new Malfoy Manor


Draco and Hermione were in the babies room when there was an explosion that shook the manor

They placed Leo and Nymphadora down before running out of the room and towards the potions lab they had installed

There was a cloud of black smoke surrounded the whole lab, Lyra and Oliva came running and waved their wands

At the center bench, Leon, James and Scorpius were covered in soot


Scorpius let out a high pitch scream when he saw Leon's hair growing

"What did you do?!" Leon yelled at Oliva

Oliva smirked and walked into the lab, Lyra on her trail

"Well I saw that you were making a colour changing potion so I just swapped a few ingredients" Oliva shrugged "you really should have paid attention in potions...such lovely hair Leon" she smirked, twirling one of his strands in between her fingers, Leon shoved her away and crossed his arms

"Oliva!" Scorpius yelled

"Yes dear?" Oliva asked innocently

The boys screamed again when the potion took full effect, Oliva walked back Lyra and grabbed three vials

"Turn us back!" Female Scorpius yelled, his voice high pitch and he looked almost like Lyra except his hair was platinum blond and straight

"Turn our hair back" Lyra negotiated

"We can't! We already told you!" Female James yelled

"Well then have fun being girls" Oliva shrugged

"I told you not to prank her!" Female Leon yelled at his friends

"SHUT UP!" Female Scorpius and James screamed

Draco was laughing and was about to fall down, even Hermione couldn't hold back her laughter

Oliva waved the three vials and winked at them

"Find a way to turn our hair back, and then I'll give you the vials" she said

She and Lyra walked out of the lab and the three boys — technically girls — looked at one another

"LYRA NARCISSA MALFOY! OLIVA DIANA PEREZ! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Scorpius screamed, the three boys ran out of the lab, tripping and falling over their large robes

Draco fell to the floor and held his sides, Hermione couldn't hold it anymore and joined her husband, they laughed until they had tears streaming down their faces and their sides hurt from the lack of oxygen

There was a crash somewhere and Draco got up, helping Hermione up before they made their way out of the lab and towards the tea room where the five girls were standing, Scorpius, Leon and James had their wands pointed at Oliva and Lyra, Oliva had her hand extended and the three vials dangled from her hand

"Do it and I'll drop them" Oliva threatened

"Fine" Scorpius spat and lowered his wand

"What do you want us to do? We already told you that we can't reverse the spell" James told them "we'll do anything" James said

"James" Leon hissed

"Anything?" Lyra asked, raising an eyebrow at him and a smirk made its way to her face

"Yes! Anything" James agreed, the two Slytherins glared at the Gryffindor

"Fine" Lyra smirked "we'll turn you back...as long as you match our hairs" she said

"That's not that bad" James said

"For a month" Oliva added


"Do we have a deal?" Lyra asked them

"Fine, as long as my hair is representing Slytherin—"

"You're going to be representing Gryffindor" Lyra said

"What?!" Leon yelled

"You and Scorp are going to represent Gryffindor, James is going to represent Slytherin, you should have really thought this out" Lyra explained

"I don't want to be representing Gryffindor" Scorpius whined

"Ouch!" Hermione exclaimed, Scorpius smiled cheekily at her

"Sorry love, Slytherin is the best house" Draco smirked

"Can you also cast that spell on your father?" Hermione asked Lyra

"Don't you bloody dare" Draco warned

"So what's it going to be boys? Girls? Or the opposite house colour?" Oliva asked

"Wait! You have Green hair, why can't I?" Scorpius asked Olivia

"You cast this spell so that Ly and I would represent our boyfriends houses, we are casting the spell so that you represent another house" Lyra smirked

"I told you—" Leon began

"Leon I swear to Merlin and Circe that if you say that one more time I'm going to hit you" Scorpius threatened

"Fine. We'll represent the opposite house, just turn us back!" Scorpius ordered

Lyra waved her hand and immediately the boys hair turned green and red, once the spell had settled, Oliva handed over the vials and the boys took them eagerly

Immediately the shift happened and the boys were boys again, their hairs were Gryffindor red and Slytherin green, they took a threatening step forward and the girls looked at one another

"I think it's time for us to head out" Lyra stated

"I think you're right Ly" Oliva agreed

The two girls took off running and the three boys took off after them, Hermione sighed and dropped her head on her husband's shoulder

"They are sixteen years old and they still act like five year olds" Hermione groaned

There was another crash

"I really don't want to clean blood off my floors" she whined, Draco chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist before kissing her lips

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