Part 9

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I was woken by the sun rays peeking through the upper branches of the tree I was in, and maybe also my stomach growling. I hadn't eaten since before my escape at that gas station, it seemed like ages ago. I got up being careful not to disturb my crow friends, and began my descent down the tree. At the bottom I found a river that had some bushes along it, the bushes had what looked like blackberries on them. 

Upon closer inspection I found that they were indeed blackberries and I stuffed my mouth until I was full and grabbed a bunch more and brought them up to feed to the crows who all were overjoyed with the discovery. 

They began trilling happily and I trilled back, a cacophony of melodious voices rained from our spot of the forest before we once again took flight. We flew above the river that had carved a canyon into the mountain's side and before long it opened up into a valley with some of the largest, most warm looking buildings in the entire world. 

It was colder here and soon enough as we flew it began snowing, I was still in a tee-shirt and shorts and my wings were beginning to almost ice up, I wouldn't last long like this. I was beginning to slow down, surely just due to exhaustion and sheer cold, when a smaller group of crows broke off of the larger murder flying ahead to the city, faster than I could go. My flight path began faltering, getting lower and lower, we were still a good mile or so out from the edge of the city. I pushed forward though, the snow hitting my numb face and shivering body.

I glanced down at the white landscape below and saw something green, like lime green, maybe it was some weird plant I reasoned. I was getting cold, too cold I realized, and I didn't know how, but I had to make it. I just had to but before I could do anything else I felt a sharp pain in my side followed by the delayed crack of a gun. 

I tumbled out of the sky landing in a pile of soft snow that broke my fall significantly. Luckily though we had just made it to the outskirts of the city. I stood up clutching my side, beginning to trudge through the snow. My wings dragged behind me in the snow as I walked, but I faltered in my steps and fell into the gray snow of the streets, I couldn't get up. 

Really I could only hope that by some miracle I would be saved from this fierce cold. Some of the crows still with me gathered around and sat on top of me like some feathery blanket, helping me keep the little warmth I had left while sharing their own.

The others began circling, cawing out to someone, maybe someone who was another bird hybrid, maybe someone who was half-Android, or maybe someone who was a Piglin- hybrid, for help. 

My eyes began to close, but I had to keep going. I began to claw my way through the snow, tears freezing on my cheeks, when a voice cried out.

<Wilbur POV>

"Phil! Tech! I found him! The crows, the crows led me to him," I puffed out into a small communicator. The poor kid had literal tears frozen to his skin on his cheeks and a bloodied wound in his side. He was still breathing though, that was the important part. I promised then to myself I'd never let him get hurt ever again. 

I lifted him out of the snow covering him in my layered cloak before holding him bridal style. Then I began to run as fast and as hard as I could, my machine-like musculoskeletal system being pushed to its limits. I dodged people, cars and various scrap mechs as I ran through the streets back to our sanctuary, to our home. By the time I had burst through the entrance Tommy's breathing had become labored, I had to hurry. I booked it all the way to the infirmary where Niki stood with multiple other doctors ready to receive Tommy. I laid him down on the bed they had prepared and backed out of the room, knowing they'd need space.

As soon as I walked out I was met with both Phil and Techno waiting anxiously outside. They looked frightened as soon as they saw me, I looked down, I was drenched in blood, Tommy's blood. I cringed internally, he must've lost a lot of blood from that wound. I just hoped Niki and her team would be able to save him. 

I felt something roll down my cheek, confused I touched my face, a tear, I was crying, Androids can't cry, can they? Then I felt Phil's warm embrace enclose my body and Techno's? Why were they hugging me, I was covered in blood, his blood. Phil guided me to a seat and he and Techno sat down on either side of me, I leaned on Phil's shoulder with my eyes closed holding in my tears.

We stayed for that for a while before Niki came out of the room and said, "We have good news and bad news, we'll not really bad news but more interesting information, what would you like to hear first?"

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