Part 3

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"Is it really him?" A low voice whispered.

"Phil, I'm certain," another slightly familiar voice answered.

"But his hair and feathers-"

The other voice cut it off, "Only dye, we almost missed him entirely too, the kid was smart, he could've disappeared but he didn't, I'm still not sure why."

"That is indeed puzzling, I suppose we will have to ask him ourselves once he wakes."


I didn't move, I was petrified, I was so stupid, I had let myself get caught after escaping. Why had the dumb guy recognized me, he should've just left me to rot in that alley, where I belonged, free from this containment. 

What were they going to do to me, take all my feathers and sell them? Or worse, they'll just take my wings. I had heard of this happen to other hybrids before and the thought haunted me to my very soul. I braced myself ready to attack if the door opened, still lying in the bed under the blanket

When I heard the door open, I rolled off the bed onto my feet and flared my wing and hiding my injured one but still hoping I looked menacing enough not to approach. It was a man, an old one at that, in green robes and a green and white bucket hat. I could take him for sure, he stopped and looked almost amazed, surprised and happy at the same time. Definitely not the response I was hoping for, he then began walking towards me again, startling me.

I hissed, not knowing what else to do and being scared out of my mind, in the hybrid way that most hybrid birds could. I backed up against a corner trying to calculate my escape to the door, he was getting closer but if I hopped over the bed, I could make it out the door.

Then the man spoke again in a language I couldn't understand, it was soothing almost but I wasn't about to buy his BS. I lowered my  uninjured wing and tried to look calm, before I darted past him and out the door into the hallway. Looking around I was met with the same sight from before when looking through the crack except I was in the hallway with the people in the white coats and clipboards. I rushed past them all pushing and shoving, as some grunted and yelled after me in that different language, down the hall. 

Then as suddenly as I had my escape it had come to an end. Something tripped me and I fell forward onto my face, I could feel blood begin it's way down my face from my nose. I tried to scramble forward but something or someone was holding me in place, I turned my head slightly to see the Piglin hybrid from before.

He was huffing, as though he had been chasing me for a while, probably had. He grabbed my hands and flipped me over before setting me on my feet. He garbled something in another language that sounded like a threat.

I looked him straight back in the eyes, "Great threat an' all but I can't understand shit."

He looked slightly perplexed but repeated what I assumed he had said before but in a language I understood, "Walk now with me and if you run you're dead."

I paled, he could literally pound me in with one fist I realized. I walked with him for a while back through the long hall, not daring to speak, I could literally feel the eyes of the people we passed burning into me. 

We walked for some while before I spotted a familiar face, it was the guy with the guitar who had knocked me out. I tried to hide behind the Piglin more and as we got closer to the guitar guy I clung to his side hating myself but wanting to not be seen more.

Finally we arrived back at the room where the green man with the bucket hat had been when I escaped. He was sitting on the bed where I had been, running his fingers through his hair which was a blonde like mine had been. I hesitated before the door but the Piglin shoved me in closing the door firmly.

The man turned around exclaimed something in his language that I couldn't even try to understand. I backed up against the door knowing there was no escape now. He approached, but I flinched trying to look smaller.

"Stay back!" I yelled, moving away.

The man looked thoroughly confused and again tried to approach me.

I hissed again as I felt tears gathering in my eyes, not now, please not now. I could almost feel myself losing my feathers, I knew he wanted them, but I wasn't going down without a fight, I wouldn't let him have them.

"You can't have my feathers! They're mine, I won't let you take them!" I screeched as he got too close in my opinion, I was in a corner. He reached out and touched my face, but I swatted his arm away. 

That's when the Piglin man re-entered, he spoke a few indecipherable words to the man who nodded his head. Looking at me the Piglin spoke again, "We don't want your feathers, Theseus, this is your father and he wants me to ask you if you'd like to get cleaned up."

I stared at him before bursting out laughing, incredulously, "My name's Tommy- first off," I gasped still laughing, "and my father wanted me dead, and I'm sure as far as he's concerned I am."

The Piglin almost looked affronted before talking to the other man more, once finished he looked back at me, "Well Tommy, follow me for a moment more then, we'll get you cleaned up and sort these things later."

I shrugged and followed him out of the room, happy to not be stuck in a stuffy room any longer.

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