Part 6

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TW: panic attack and manipulative and toxic thought processes and cruelty :)

I felt myself laying up against someone as I came to, it was the Piglin, no, Techno. I recoiled from him almost instantly, when had I become so trusting? It was probably because I had been so weak. I couldn't fight that masked man, I should've been able to. 

I hopped off the bed and tried to crawl underneath it but it had wooden panels that stopped my ability to fit under the bed. I got up feeling slightly embarrassed then walked over to a different door from the door I had entered the room in. It was a small room that had clothes and shelves in it. I reached up, grabbed a white plain shirt, and then grabbed some black knee-length basketball shorts from a shelf and changed into them. 

I dumped my old clothes on the floor, then opened the closet door slowly peeking out to see a still sleeping Techno. I came out of the closet and then closed the door more harshly than I would've liked, startling Techno into consciousness.

 I felt myself slip down into a ball as overwhelming fear rushed over and consumed me, I knew he'd be mad just like father always was. That was even though my father had been drunk most of the time which was always an obstacle in and of itself, it was always worse when he had been woken up. That was how I almost died, I was shaking, almost violently, at the memory.

I felt a hand begin rubbing my back in small controlled circles, helping me ground myself.

Tears made their way down my face as I mumbled, "Not again, please not again, I'm not ready to die yet, please don't hurt me."

I felt arms pick me up and cradle my now sobbing body, why was I so weak, father was right. I was too weak, I was worthless.

I guess I'd said the words aloud because I felt a hand stroking my hair saying, "You're not worthless little Theseus, and you're stronger than anyone else I know. I'm here to protect and take care of you."

I was lifted up and placed on the bed I think, then covers were pulled over me. I was lulled into sleep by the hand that combed through my hair gently, calming me, helping me be okay. I fell asleep for a time, but when I started to wake I felt hands begin to stroke my hair once again. I sighed contentedly, it was nice to not feel scared. 

Suddenly the door banged open, and I shot up clinging onto the person who had been combing through my hair. Techno was in the doorway staring at the person I clung onto with intense hatred. I looked up at them, it was the Smiley-mask guy, my face paled. I tried to push off him but he held onto me, tears began rolling down my face, I was gonna die I knew it.

In one swift movement Smiley guy wrapped my blanket around me in a sort of bag lifting me up and began running. I shrieked and screamed, kicking, fighting and clawing for my life, though it did nothing. This claustrophobic prison was terrifying, my hot breath not making it any better as I bounced against Smiley's back. Suddenly something hit my injured wing and I screamed in agony.

What ever had hit the bag left a small hole, I peeked through it trying to spot someone I knew maybe or something that could help me. We were outside, it was really bright, but I could see Wilby in pursuit.

"WILBY HELP!" I yelled through my little hole, I tried ripping at the hole more, but I could only make it large enough to get my hand out. At this rate I probably would be able to make a hole large enough to fall out of though I had to make sure I didn't hurt myself more. I violently tore at the blanket until it gave away unexpectedly and I tumbled out. 

Smiley stopped, doubling back and scooping me up before Wilby could reach me, I cried out as I felt him place a chemical soaked rag over my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand through the rag, hard enough to draw blood, he cursed. However I was panicking as I succumbed so whatever chemical I had breathed in, banishing me to unconsciousness.


When I came to, it was slow, I felt my arms pinched behind my back over my wings. They had been tied together. I could feel that much. My legs were unable to move either, probably also tied up. I was laying on my stomach, my face in the dirt. I slowly opened my eyes, it was dark. I could tell there was a light source coming from behind me and I turned my head towards it, lifting it slightly. 

Smiley was sitting on a log staring at me, his mask lit up by the glow of a small fire before him.

I coughed slightly, my parched throat screaming at me, I looked up at him pleading with my eyes. I tried to speak but instead I went into a bout of coughing. He stood up and grabbed a small canteen and crouched next to me. 

I hoped he'd pour it into my mouth maybe or untie me so I could drink it but instead he poured it out into the dirt next to me. I looked at him in dismay, but didn't say anything for fear I'd end up coughing. I saw his mask tip ominously to the side when I heard a twig break behind us.

 Smiley stood and drew his sword turning and standing over me. It was a man in a beanie, not Wilby though, his had the characters L. A. F. D. scrawled across it. He had yellow wings flared out behind him and held aloft an axe, clearly he wanted a fight.

Smiley didn't even flinch when he lunged forward with his axe embedding it in Smiley's shield. That's when a small figure darted forward at Smiley with knives flashing across Smiley's sides. I didn't see him well, but he had a spiral hoodie on and some goggles over his eyes. Smiley was fighting well against two and almost was beating them until a large figure rose out of the once small fire. He was covered in flames but most noticeable about him was his white bandanna, it wasn't even burning.

"Quackity!" The flaming man cried out as Smiley held his sword poised over the beanie man's throat. He leapt forward and grabbed Smiley's arm before he could plunge it down on 'Quackity'. The spiral hoodie man began cutting the ropes around my wrists, wings and legs as Smiley cried out angrily.

"Let's go, I've got the kid!" Spiral hoodie yelled at the other two picking me up and running, carrying me over to a group of motorcycles. He went to one and sat me behind him, I could barely keep my head up.

"Hold on to me tight kid," he said starting the motorcycle, it was quiet, I think maybe it was electric. The other two mounted the last remaining motorcycles and we rode off into the night.

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