Part 1 :D

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(This is all Tommy POV)

I looked around grimacing at tonight's abode, an old van that had obvious leaks in its roof. The doors looked like they had been torn off in some old attempt to break in, or out? I shook off the thought, who would even have the sheer strength to do that? Looking into the van there was an old mattress that was sure to have bedbugs in it, cringing internally, I climbed onto the slightly damp mattress and prayed to the gods above that it was only rain water, though the smell said otherwise. I reminded myself that I was lucky to have found such a place without being caught. Carefully, I hid my wings in my coat against my back, before lying down trying to get comfortable. Sighing I fell asleep to the drumming of rain on the roof, blocking out all other sounds of city life.


I sat straight up breathing hard, I'd slept too long, I'd slept too long! Looking around I was groggily trying to get my bearings when I made eye contact with a curly haired man wearing a beanie and holding out a guitar like a weapon.

He then gestured at me with his guitar, "Get out of my van," then he added bitterly, "Rat."

This was definitely a new insult, I chuckled trying to make my way quickly out of the van, "No one orders me around, big man."

That's when I was hit over the head with a guitar. It hurt a lot.

"Gah!" I cried out before losing consciousness, falling back onto the disgusting mattress.

<Another time skip oooooooo> (:<

I was being dragged I think when I started to regain my consciousness. I couldn't move, like I had been tied down to something, I knew better than to start struggling immediately but all logic had left me in that short period of time. I opened my eyes and immediately began thrashing about and trying to scream but only muffled yells coming out.

Wherever I was it was dark and on an old long ago abandoned street, and there were a lot of people, all staring at me, no at my wings. The dragging stopped and whoever it was flipped me over onto my stomach and tried to tie me down once again with me fighting all the way. I suppose it must have been to display my wings better, but I didn't find out because a loud and angry sounding roar of another hybrid sounded out.

I thrashed about harder than before and the person tying me down lost grip and I bolted into the crowd of people pulling my wings in close as I could feel them trying to pluck my feathers. I almost let out a squawk as something heavy barreled into me, knocking the air out of my lungs. I fell down feeling the asphalt of the street tear at my hands and knees, I got up and tried to run again but my legs weren't working and I fell again. The people had made a circle around me by now and were all trying to get a feather from my wings. It's hard to pluck a hybrid bird's feathers and often impossible to do but it was in Incredibly painful regardless when someone pulled or bent their feathers. They kept all trying all trying to hurt me, over some dumb superstition.

That was until the thing that ran into me got up, it was some sort of deranged Piglin hybrid, and it did not look happy. The people around me scattered once again and I was left alone, scratch that, alone with the Piglin hybrid. I tried to get up but my ankle gave way and I fell again landing on my wing.

I felt that it was broken the moment I rebounded off the asphalt, only adding to my pain. I crouched trying to breathe in and out, hissing at my stupidity and in pain as tears stung my eyes, rolling down my cheeks and onto the ground. I then felt myself fall forward onto the asphalt yet again collapsed from exhaustion and exertion all my pain in full force.

That's when it approached me, the Piglin hybrid, it cooed at me which was weirdly calming before picking me up favoring my mangled wing.

I whimpered and suddenly remembering my peril I whispered trying to struggle against the Piglin's arms, and tears streaking my face, "Please don't hurt me!"

The Piglin only chuckled and I felt a faint sting in my arm, "Just sleep for now baby bird, I won't hurt you."

I tried to keep my eyes open, unwilling to enter my dreamscape, afraid of what it had in store for me. The last thing I heard before I was fully unconscious was the smile on the Piglin's face as he whispered something into a communicator, "I've got him Phil, I've got your son."

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