"Combat distance, ten feet. As soon as the lights go down, continuous fire. Full spread over the hostiles. Do not stop firing while the lights are out. Shot gun protocol, we don't have bullets to waste." Octavian orders his remaining Clerics. "Amy, when the lights go down, the wheel should release. Spin it clockwise, four turns." the Doctor tells Amy. "Ten." Amy says making Robyn look at her funny. "No, four, four turns." the Doctor says. "Yeah, four, I heard you." Amy responds as she takes position at the door. "Ready!" the Doctor tells everyone as he places his sonic into the circuit. "On my count then. God be with us all. Three... two...one." Octavian counts down before the lights go out "Fire!" he orders. The clerics open fire on the Angels as the Doctor, Amy, Robyn and River try to get the door open "Turn!" the Doctor tells Amy. "Doctor, quickly!" River exclaims. "It's opening, it's working." Amy smiles. Amy, Robyn and River slip through the opening "Fall back!" Octavian orders his Clerics which move through the doorway followed by Octavian and the Doctor. They move down a similar corridor to another door, the Doctor holds the door open with the sonic as the others go through "Doctor, quickly." River says. "Doctor!" Amy exclaims. The Doctor runs to join them as the door closes quickly behind him, Robyn sighs in relief and gives the Doctor a quick hug.

The Doctor walks over to the console and looks at the controls, Octavian closes the door and places a device on it "What are you doing?" Amy asks him. "Magnetized the door. Nothing could turn that wheel now." Octavian responds. "Yeah?" the Doctor asks as the wheel begins to turn behind the Bishop. "Dear God!" Octavian exclaims as River picks Robyn up. "Ah, now you're getting it! You've bought us time though, that's good. I am good with time." the Doctor tells him. "Doctor!" Amy exclaims as another door wheel starts spinning "Seal that door. Seal it now!" Octavian orders his clerics. A cleric steps forward and places one of the magnetic devices on the second door "We're surrounded!" River exclaims as the third door begins to spin open. "Seal it, seal that door!" Octavian orders making a second cleric place a device on the door "Doctor, how long have we got?" he asks turning his attention to the Doctor. "Five minutes, max." the Doctor responds. "Nine." Amy says. "Five." the Doctor repeats looking at her. "Five, right yeah." Amy nods. "Why d'you say nine?" the Doctor asks her. "I didn't." Amy responds. "We need another way out of here." River states kissing Robyn's head. "There isn't one." Octavian tells her. "Yeah, there is, course there is. This is a galaxy class ship, goes for years between planet-falls. So... what do they need?" the Doctor asks snapping his fingers. "Of course." River says as Robyn smiles. The Doctor snaps his fingers again "Of course, what? What do they need?" Amy asks. "Can we get in there?" Octavian asks. "Well, it's a sealed unit, but they must have installed it somehow. This whole wall should slide up." the Doctor says as he presses against the rear wall "There's clamps. Release the clamps!" he says as he uses the sonic on the clamps. "What's through there? What do they need?" Amy asks River. "They need to breathe." Robyn smiles.

The wall slowly rises making Robyn smile even more as Amy looks awestruck "But that's... That's a..." she trails off as the wall opens fully to reveal trees and plants. "It's an oxygen factory." River tells her. "It's a forest." Amy says astounded. "Yeah, it's a forest, it's an oxygen factory." River nods. Robyn jumps out her mums arms and walks into the forest "And, if we're lucky, an escape route." the Doctor adds. "Eight." Amy states. "What did you say?" River asks as Robyn turns to look at Amy. "Nothing." Amy responds. "Is there another exit? Scan the architecture, we don't have time to get lost in there." the Doctor tells Octavian. "On it! Stay where you are until I've checked the Rad levels." Octavian responds making Robyn roll her eyes slightly as she touches the moss on the rocks. "But trees! On a space ship?" Amy asks. "Oh, more than trees, way better than trees. You're going to love this. Treeborgs... Trees plus technology. Branches become cables, become sensors on the hull. A forest sucking in starlight, breathing out air. It even rains. There's a whole mini-climate. It is an eco-pod running through the heart of the ship. A forest in a bottle, on a space ship, in a maze. Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond?" the Doctor asks showing Amy the circuitry inside the tree next to Robyn. Amy chuckles "Seven." she says. "Seven?" the Doctor asks as he and Robyn rejoin everyone back on the flight deck. "Sorry, what?" Amy asks. "You said seven." the Doctor says as he studies her face. "No. I didn't." Amy responds. "Yes, you did." River tells her. "Doctor! There's an exit, far end of the ship, into the Primary Flight Deck." Octavian says. "Good, that's where we need to go." the Doctor says. "Plotting a safe path." Octavian nods. "Quick as you like!" the Doctor responds as he continues to study Amy's face.

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