1 | The Movie Set

Start from the beginning

"Can you run some lines with me?" He asked. He was playing the best friend's love interest. 

"Of course!" You immediately reply, standing up quickly and gathering your scripts. You glanced over at Olivia, who looks like she was ready to kill someone. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Olivia forced a smile, gritting her teeth. "See you later, y/n/n."

You frowned once more before you lost sight of Olivia due to the sudden crowd that walked through the cafe on set. You have no idea what made Olivia acted the way she did and you can't stop a part of you that thinks she's jealous. 


You were curled up against Olivia, a blanket draped over the two of you as The Notebook plays on the TV. The movie you two were filming was almost done and you two have built a strong friendship during the time. You two were truly best friends, not just in the movie, but in real life as well. But a part of you still wishes for something more. 

The feeling was there and you've come to accept that fact that you love Olivia, maybe a little more than best friends should. Olivia has her arms wrapped around you, never failing to make your heart do award-winning flips. 

Near the end of the movie, you were burying your face in Olivia's chest as you cried, small sobs escaping your lips. You were always really in tune with the movie and you can't help but cry at almost every movie you watch. Unless it's a comedy. 

"Why?" You sobbed quietly as Olivia rubbed your back, bringing you comfort. There were tears in Olivia's eyes as well and you know you have to give the movie the award of "Saddest Movie Ever". 

"I hope you don't cry while we're watching our movie," Olivia joked lightly, earning a half-smile from you. "I was trying not to laugh in many scenes."

You sniffled, looking up at Olivia, who brushed your tears away with her thumb. "I make no promise."

Olivia laughed quietly. "But I hope they'll be happy tears."

"Happy tears," you nodded in agreement. You fell into a comfortable silence for a while. You looked at the screen once more, seeing the end credit rolls in. You laid your head back on Olivia's chest, feeling her runs her hand through your hair. You sighed at the feeling, your eyes growing heavy. 

Your eyes were closed soon after and you felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep. But before you were completely gone, you heard Olivia whispered softly. "I love you."

A smile was plastered on your lips before you fell asleep. 


"Hey, y/n/n, are you coming over for dinner tonight?" Olivia asked as the two of you stood backstage, watching the scene unfold in front of you. 

"Wouldn't miss your cooking for the world," you smiled teasingly, making Olivia gasped in offense. 

"So you only come for my cooking?" She exclaimed, earning her dirty looks from some people in the camera crew. She smiled apologetically. 

You shook your head with a smile, leaning over and kissing her cheek. A blush was noticeable on her face. "I was kidding, I came to see you as well."

David glanced over, his eyes full of mirth. "I swear, for best friends, you two act more like lovers."

"Mind your only business," you flipped him off. He only chuckles and shook his head amusingly. 

"I'm serious," David complained. Olivia wrapped her arms around you, laying her head laying on your shoulder. 

"Well, Serious, mind your own business," you rolled your eyes, trying not to gasp when you felt Olivia's lips on your cheek. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. But the feeling of her lips lingers. 

"How do you explain that then?" David gestured to the kiss. 

Olivia spoke up, annoyance cleared in her voice. "So what if we say we're lovers?"

"Then I request the spot to be your number one shipper," David grinned. "You two are too cute for your own good."

Olivia turned over to you, a grin on her face. "Did you hear that, babe? He thinks we're cute."

Your heart fluttered when she called you 'babe' but you played along, kissing her cheek once more. "I did." With a sudden surge of confidence, you leaned forward and whispered in her ears, so only the two of you can hear it. "And I think you look incredibly sexy in this dress."

Olivia blushed, unable to form out any words. You watched as her eyes flickered down to your lips. And without any warning, her lips were on yours. You could see David's eyes widened beside you but you were too focused on Olivia to care. You kissed her back, feeling her surprise. 

The kiss ended too soon, and you were craving her lips again. But it was surely something magical. Olivia whispered into your ears. "Go on a date with me?"

"Yes," you responded without hesitation, pressing your lips to hers once more.

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