Chapter 11

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What am I even waiting for? I have to talk to Jordan. I pull myself off the bed, slip on my jacket, shoes and grab the scrap book from my closet and rush down to Jordan’s flat.

-“JORDAN? ARE YOU IN THERE?!” I shout, pounding on the door. No answer. I grab my phone and call him three times. No answer. I call Harley and after loads of begging he tells me Jordan is in the basement studio at the music club where we first met. Harley says he’s really upset and won’t talk to anyone. I have to take the risk; I need to talk to him. I rush down all eight floors on the block of flats and practically leap into a taxi. I recite the address that I know off by heart to the taxi driver. I’m seriously freaking out. The taxi drive seems to take forever; my palms are sweating with nerves. I clutch the scrapbook close to me in the plastic bag. The taxi stops off and I sprint into the music club. I am greeted by Tyler. He used to go to the club and now he runs it. All the kids love him, he’s so much fun.

-“Hey, Sass, It’s so good to see you!” Tyler says. I met Tyler when I first joined the club along with Jordan. We all messed around in the studio together, making music and writing lyrics.

-“Hey Tyler, it’s so good to see you but I’m kind of in a rush,” I say, out of breath.

-“Why? Are you okay?” Tyler questions, looking at me.

-“Is Jordan here?” I ask. Tyler says nothing; he just looked down at his feet awkwardly.

-“Tyler, I’m serious. It’s urgent. I know he’s here. Harley told me,” I say.

-“Okay, okay. He’s down in the basement studio,” He says, I barley listen to him as I’m already sprinting down the stairs. I look through the window on the door. He is sat on the old black swivel chair with some headphones on, notebook in his hand quickly writing down lyrics; his foot tapping out the beat. He turns to me as I slowly open the door. He looks at me sadly. Neither of us say anything. I sit down next to him on the other chair. He takes his head phones off and puts his notebook down on the cabinet. I catch a quick glance at some of the lyrics. They’re sad and slow, angry perhaps?

-“Look, Jordan. I had no idea that you felt the way you did. It was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” I say, looking at my hands.

-“Well I guess it doesn’t matter now. I’ve completely screwed up our friendship,” Jordan says sadly.

-“What? No, of course you haven’t,” I say. I bring my chair closer to Jordan so he will look me in the eye. I pick my bag up from the floor and hand it to Jordan.

-“Open it,” I say. Jordan slowly tears open the blue tissue paper. He looks up at me and frowns. He flicks through the scrapbook, smiling at some of the funny photos. There are photos of us in this studio. Someone, I guess Tyler, took some photos when we didn’t realise and we’re spinning around on the chairs laughing at each other. There are some taken of us in his flat rolling around on the floor wrapped up in blankets. Some pictures are off him performing, some are off me messing around in my flat. There are buttons and glitter and scraps of material in-between each picture.

-“How does this fix anything?” Jordan asks, looking back up at me.

I take his hands in mine and look him in the eyes –“Jordan. I’ve known you for so long. Don’t you remember all the good times we’ve had, all the laughs. I know I’ve never wanted to admit it, but everyone else around me has noticed. Jordan, you’re perfect for me. The letter and the flowers, they were so romantic, the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” I say. “I love you Jordan, I really do,” I say

-“Really?” Jordan asks.

-“Really,” I say, standing up. Neither of us say anything for a few moments, shock-perhaps, then Jordan stands up.

-“So…Is this the part when we kiss? You know, like they do in movies,” I say.

-“You know, I like the sound of that,” Jordan says, smiling.

He takes a step closer to me and gently cups my face in his hands. He leans in closer and we’re practically touching noses. I realise I am just a few centimetres from kissing him and I am completely fine with it. It sounds really cheesy and cliché but that what I ask for, wasn’t it? It just feels perfect, just right. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. He snakes his arms around my waist His lips gently brush against mine. I feels perfect, him holding me, me with my arms around his neck. WE kiss for what seems like forever. He pulls away from me, both of us smiling.

-“So, how come we haven’t thought about dating before?” I enquire

-“Trust me, I have always thought that,” Jordan says, his arms still firmly around my waist.

-“I’m sorry Jordan,” I say

-“What for?” he asks

-“For this. Making you hide this for so long, I’m sorry I never realised,” I say.

-“It’s not your fault,” Jordan says, looking into my eyes.

-“Did you seriously mean everything in that letter?” I ask

-“Every word,” Jordan says, blushing.

-“Well, it was the sweetest and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” I say pulling him closer for a hug. A few tears roll down my cheeks.

-“Hey! You’re not crying are you?” Jordan says pulling away to face me. I nod and bite my lip to hold in the tears. Jordan gently wipes them away with his thumb. He traces my cheeks and jawline with his fingers and we lead in to kiss again.

-“I love you,” I say.

-“I love you too Sass,” Jordan says.

Well, I can now say my list is complete. I have got myself the perfect boyfriend. Actually, not everything on the list has been ticked off. I am still buying way too many clothes and I still go round to Jordan’s every night to find food. Operation Get Myself A Boyfriend is complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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