Chapter 7

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The most annoying part of being friends with someone famous is that you can’t go anywhere without being followed by the paparazzi taking pictures, asking if you’re dating and making up stories. It’s very hard to get through a train station filled with flashing camera bulbs and swarming fans. We’re with the rest of the band on our way to Paris for their tour. It takes ages to get onto the train. Jordan and Harley are being stopped every few seconds for a picture or autograph.

Eventually, we get to our train. The security guy has managed to privately book the train carridge because of all the fans also travelling to Paris for the tour. We find out seats and put all our suitcases and bags in the compartments. The guitarist, drummer and trumpet player are sat with Harley writing lyrics and listening to music on Harley’s phone. Jordan and I sit opposite each other. I pull my jacket on because the air conditioning is so cold. I pull my phone out and update my Facebook status to: On train with Jordan Stephens on the way to Paris!! Yay!!

I text Jordan from across the breakfast table on the train:

-Want to have a foot fight!!!

Jordan looks up at me and smiles, kicking me straight in the shin. I kick him straight back, right on his knee.

-Sure. Bring it on!! Jordan texts.

We are deep in a foot war, our feet locked together under the table. I’m almost falling of my chair.

-“Jordan…let….me….win!” I say, with my teeth gritted.

-“Why would I do that?” Jordan says.

Suddenly I fall out my chair with a thump. Jordan quickly jumps out his chair to help me up.

-“Hey, are you alright?” He asks concerned, pulling me up. I hit my arm hard on the floor but I try not to show that it hurt. Jordan comes and sits on my side of the table.

-“You sure you’re alright?” Jordan says, wrapping his arm around me in a big cuddle.

-“Hey, you two! Get a room!” Harley shouts across the carriage. Jordan’s head snaps up.

-“Shut it Harley!” Jordan shouts back, taking his arms away from me. “Oh, by the way. I won the foot war!” Jordan says.

“What? Not fair!” I say.

-“Awww, sore loser?” Jordan teases. “Last time I checked I wasn’t the one who ended up on the floor,” Jordan jokes. I stick my tongue out at him.

-“So, have you got my birthday presents?” I ask Jordan.

-“Top secret!” Jordan says, tapping his nose.

-“Please tell me!” I beg, giving him the big eyes and stick my bottom lip out.

-“Nope! Not giving in!” Jordan says. “Harley, tell her to stop begging me” Jordan shouts over to Harley.

-“What, no! I bet you love it!” Harley says.

-“Harley! What has he got me?” I shout.

-“Honestly, I have no ideas. He’s been really secretive. Apparently it’s the most amazing present ever” Harley says.

None of us speak French so when we got to the hotel we had to rely and the security guard Steve to get us booked in. Unfortunately, I ended up having to share a room with Jordan. Luckily there was two beds or that would’ve been really awkward. Jordan takes my suitcase from me like a real gentleman and I take the keys and unlock the hotel door. The cold air hits me straight away so I pull my jacket closer to me. I adjust the heat on the thermostat. Jordan puts my suitcase on my side of the room next to my bed. It’s really late and the journey seemed to take forever. I get changed into shorts and an old baggy shirt, ready for bed. I am shattered. I come out of the bath room and walk -“Night dude,” I say to him

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