Chapter 2

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Anyway, enough about me. I was shopping in London, as always, and got distracted by the window display in New look and therefore spent two hours in there. I was casually walking down the busy streets of London when I saw the most amazing shirt on display. It was a red and blue plaid shirt. I didn’t buy it in the end. I ended up buying three dresses for my younger sister, a watch, a ring, a necklace and a new pair of red converses because my Vans were seriously wrecked and falling apart. As I was sat on the bus day dreaming out of the window at all the shoppers I thought I should really start learning how to save money for university or something important like that. It might come in handy for when I start acting my real age. But then again maybe not.

I shove my key into the lock of my flat door, my arms laden with shopping bags As soon as I get into my flat I throw all my bags down onto the old blue cord sofa and take my converses off. I never realise how much I buy until I see it all out in front of me. This is all I have to do, shopping. This is why I desperately need a boyfriend, so I can buy him lovely gifts and presents all the time. I look at my clock. 8:45. I realise I’m absolutely starving. I search practically every cupboard looking for food. My fridge is empty apart from a mouldy apple. I should probably start spending money on some food as well as clothes. The only near edible things that I find are: a tin of beans, jam, and a packet of raisins. It’s not exactly what I would call a meal. Then, I have a great idea. I’ll go over to Jordan’s. He’s bound to have some food. I slide my shoes back on, grab my coat and keys and leave my flat. Jordan’s flat in two floors below mine. I rush down the stairs to Jordan flat. Number 135. I knock on the door a few times. It always takes him a while to answer the door, probably because he’s sleeping or something. The door swings open.

-“Oh, hey Sass, what are you doing here? Oh wait, you want food” Jordan asks sarcastically.

-How did you know?” I reply, walking into his flat.

-“Well, it’s the only time you ever come over” He says.

“No its not!” I say. “I live here, it’s like my second home or something” I say, taking my shoes and coat off. “But-anyway-I’m-abosolutley-starving-please-say-you-have-food-I-might-die-and-you-love-me-please-feed-me,” I say superfast, pulling a mock puppy dog face.

“Well only because you did that funny face at the end,” Jordan laughs. He’s kind of cute, especially when he smiles, but not really boyfriend material. Just best mate material. He’s great for having a laugh with. I met Jordan at a performing club when we were teenagers. We wrote music lyrics together. I’ve still got them somewhere in my room. We used the old recording studio in the clubs dingy basement to put together some mix tapes. Those were some of the best times we had together. Just mucking around and having a laugh together. However, we have been pictured out together having a coffee and the magazines all said we were going out. I dearly died of embarrassment.

I sit on the sofa whilst Jordan makes two ham, cheese and chocolate spread sandwiches for us. Our favourite. I flick through all the boring channels on the telly. Nothing.

-“Jooooooorrrdaaan, can I put a movie on?” I say like a child.

-“Yeah, if you want,” He says handing me my sandwich and flopping down of the sofa next to me.

I put a random movie on and watch all the previews and trailers. Jordan makes me some tea in my favourite mug. The one I brought him for his birthday last year. It’s multi-coloured stripes and polka dots on.

-So, why don’t you have any food in your flat?” Jordan asks.

-Well, I was shopping and I saw this lush shirt that I had to buy. I never did buy it though. But I did buy a necklace, a ring, three dresses, shoes and a watch. Then I caught the bus and realised I had no food so I came over to your flat,” I waffle. “Love you Jordan!” I add on.

-“Ha ha, love you too Sass, and you should really start saving some money, might come in handy,” Jordan says.

-Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” I say. “Anyways, let’s watch the film,” I say.

-What film is it?” Jordan asks. I pick up the case and turn it over to look at the title.

-Kung Fu Panda,” I say pressing play on the remote.

We spend the next few hours of Friday night sat on the sofa bundled up in blankets watching Kung Fu Panda, eating popcorn and sandwiches and mucking around.

-“Oh-my-god Jordan, you have to buy me a panda for my birthday,” I say. “A baby one,” I add, pulling a cute face.

-“Hang on, let me Google it,” Jordan says taking out his phone. Considering he is famous and has probably quite a bit of money he still hasn’t got himself a decent phone. Typical.

-“Can you get some pictures up of a baby panda,” I ask. Jordan types it in and some adorable pictures come up of tiny weensy cute little pandas.

-“Wow,” I squeal. “So cute. So cute. So cute. I need a baby panda, pleeeeease will you get me one Jordan, pleeeeeease” I beg.

-“Consider it done!” Jordan says laughing.

-“Oh-my-god. Seriously Jordan I love you sooo much,” I say pulling a crazy expression.

-“Seriously, is that all it takes Sass. I buy you a baby animal and you love me, I should have realised before!?” Jordan says sarcastically. “And how exactly am I going to wrap it?” he says, confused.

-“How dare you! You can’t wrap a panda up,” I say, shocked.

-“Of course I’ll put food and water in there. Obviously.” Jordan says.

Jordan rolls me up in my blanket and practically sits on top of me tickling me till I almost wet myself. It’s not weird or anything, we’re just best mates. I scream at the top of my voice for him to get off me but he doesn’t budge. His neighbours are probably quite annoyed at my high pitched screams and shouts. He sits right on top of me so I can hardly breathe. Eventually he rolls off and I pant trying to get my breath back.

-“I’ve had an idea!” I say, still led on the floor with Jordan next to me.

-“Wow, that must be bad, you’re actually thinking” Jordan says. “What is this amazing idea of yours then?” He asks.

“We need to write a list of our goals for this year,” I say. Jordan raises his eyebrows at me.

-“Really?” He says unimpressed. “That was your amazing idea?”

-“Where do you keep your paper. OH-MY-GOD, DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY PAPER?” I shout, searching though his draws.

-“Ummm no, should I” Jordan questions.

-“Yes, of course” I say. “We’ll do it on your phones,” I say.

-“And what do we have to do,” Jordan says, taking his phone out. I groan and begin telling him we are making a list of stuff that we want to achieve this year. I turn away from Jordan so he can’t see my list. I write:

Start saving money for food and bills

Paint my bedroom a different colour, maybe pink with purple polka dots or something crazy like lime green and orange.

Bake a really nice chocolate cake

Stop buying so many clothes

Get of boyfriend (you need to get a boyfriend Sass or you will be forever alone.)

“Okay, done, let’s see yours,” I say to Jordan

“Nope, top secret. I’ll show you when I’ve completed all of them,” He says. I frown at him.

“Hey, not fair!” I exclaim sticking my tongue out at him.

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