Chapter 6

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-“Let’s go into New Look,” I say, grabbing Lola by the arm. “I need an outfit for Paris,” I say

-“Oooh, eager to impress Jordan!” Lola teases. I swear she's obsessed with Jordan and I dating.

-“Shut it!” I say, grabbing an armful of clothes to try on. Lola grabs some dresses and we head to the changing rooms. We mess around taking photos in front of the mirrors in dresses and extremely high heels. I try endless dresses on, yet I can't find anything I like. Eventually, I find the perfect dress. A cute collard polka dot dress and a long floaty black and white dress. Lola buys some very high red heels and a black dress. As we're heading over the the pay area I spot some amazing shoes. Black suede spike heels. They we're absolutley lush!

-“Okay, all ready for Paris?” Lola asks in a mock French accent. “I’ll help you pack if you want,” She offers.

-“Yeah sure,” I say as we wait at the bus stop, arms laden with shopping bags full of clothes.

We rush into my flat after having a race up all eight floors up to my flat. We both collapse on the floor in helpless giggles, panting like mad. I stretch out my body across the floor, desperately trying to catch my breath. My blonde hair is strewen across the carpet. I roll over to look at Lola.

-“Remind me again, why did we just do that?” Lola asks, out of breath.

-“I have no idea,” I say pulling Lola up from the floor.

-“Let’s pack,” I say, dragging her into my room. Lola looks around my newly decorated room.

-"I like what you've done with your room," Lola says sarcastically.

-"Yeah, Jordan helped me do it, it kind of ended in a huge paint fight. That's why there are massive splatters across the wall," I say.

I pull my suitcase out of the cupboard, whilst Lola starts taking practically everything out my wardrobe and spreading them out across my bed.

-“Okay. Jordan says I have to pack something nice for a surprise,” I say pulling out my black lace dress. "So, I thought I'd wear this," I say holding it up to Lola.

-“Ooooh, what kind of surprise?!” Lola says raising her eyebrows.

-“Seriously, no Lola!” I laugh. "It's not going to happen Lola. Never in a million years. Jordan and I are best mates and that's put a horrible image in my head now," I say.

We end up packing WAY too much stuff  just for a weekend but you never know what the weather might be like. I pack about four different dresses, loads of tops and jeans and way too many shoes. I also chuck in two baggy jumpers and leggings.

-“Done!” I say after hours of packing, trying outfits on and messing around singing at the top of our lungs to really old music. I put in my trademark black kohl liner and shimmery gold eye shadow, plus a bright red lipstick to glam up a bit. After all, it will be my birthday.

-“Do you want a cup of tea?” I ask walking into the kitchen.

-“Yes!” Lola says flopping down on the sofa. 

-“Oh, by the way, James got you a date with this guy called Adam,” Lola shouts from the living room.

-“Oh that’s great, is he normal?” I ask.

Lola laughs at my comment –“James says he’s just like you,” She says.

-“Just like me. How is that possible?” I say bringing in two mugs of steaming hot tea. I pass one to Lola.

Lola shows me a fuzzy picture on her phone of Adam. He’s quite good looking. His smile isn’t quite as cute as Jordan but who’s asking. He has short cut dirty blonde hair and greenish eyes. He looks quite fun.

-“Soooo, what do you think?” Lola questions.

-“Quite good looking, when are we meeting?” I ask.

-“The Saturday after you’ve been to Paris with the band,” Lola says. “He’s really looking forward to meeting you.” Lola says.

-“Really?” I ask

-“Yeah, of course!” Lola says. “So, why are you dating someone even though it’s obvious that you and Jordan are made for each other!” Lola asks.

-“For the last time Lola, I don’t fancy Jordan” I say. I could never even begin to imagine Jordan and I dating. We’re too close as best friends. If we did fancy each other we would’ve dated each other years ago when we first met in the studio.

-“Trust me. You will end up dating.” Lola states, putting he mug down. She laughs at the horrified face I was pulling.

-“Lola, I’m being serious here, I’m not going to date Jordan. He’s my best friend and he’s famous for god sake!” I say. Lola laughs at my attempt of anger. I punch her gently on the arm. "I've known him for years, I would never dream of dating Jordan," I say pushing Lola off the sofa. She falls on the floor with a heavy thump.

-"Hey! What was that for?" She says pulling her self up from the floor and pushing her fringe back behind her ear.

-"For saying that Jordan and I should date,"  I say laughing at Lola.

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