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"Last time on Total Drama World Tour... Steeped in a tradition, Japan's modern allure is as fascinating as its rich history. Here, our competitors experienced Japan's innovative entertainment. And Harold celebrated Japan's role in the world of martial arts, which resulted in one of the longest eliminations in Total Drama history. Harold's sacrifice means we're three warriors down, fourteen to go with one million big ones up for grabs on Total. Drama. World Tour!"

"Harold's num-yo? Where'd you find that?" DJ asked Leshawna as they sat on one side of the economy class cabin.

"Dang fool wanted me to have it," Leshawna replied, laughing slightly.

"I'm really sorry he's gone."

Jace tilted their head. "He's not dead, probably. If he figured out how to open the parashot," they pointed out. "So maybe he is actually dead..."

"Dude, why do you have to be so depressing?" Noah complained.

Jace scoffed. "Says you!" They stood up. "I'm going to get a Monster," they said, starting to walk off to the first class area where they had stored their drinks in the fridge.

"Wait, Jace-" Noah started, but Jace disappeared before he could say anything.

Jace wandered into the first class area, running straight into Heather. Literally. They fell to the floor with an oof.

"Watch where you're going," Heather snapped, but reluctantly held out a hand to help them up, which they accepted. This was unheard of from the girl in question, and if you mentioned it, she would definitely deny it. Her, being nice? Please. She had a reputation to uphold!

Jace chuckled. "My bad," they said apologetically, scratching the back of their neck.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Heather questioned, going slightly pink when she realized she was still holding their hand, quickly pulling away and avoiding eye contact.

"I put a monster in the fridge sometime last night," Jace replied, smiling innocently. "Just came to get it."

Heather huffed. "Make it quick," she ordered. Jace smiled and happily went to get their drink before waving goodbye and disappearing back into economy class. They sat back down beside Noah, flashing a grin. Noah just rolled his eyes when his eyes caught sight of the drink in their hands.

Then, Chris came strolling in, way too confidentially for someone who was sued by a sixteen year old before. "And how is everyone back here? That is what I'd ask if I cared. Coming through, make way," he said as he walked through.

"Why is he saying make way? We're all sitting down out of the way," Jace murmured, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I believe it is best we don't question him," Alejandro whispered in response. Jace hummed, definitely going to continue to question the maniac who was Chris Mclean, but taking the tall boy's words into account.

"Where are you taking us next?" Leshawna asked. "Can it please be someplace where there's no pinball of any kind?"

"Or pandas," DJ added.

"Or candied fish tails," Noah contributed.

"Huh? What?! Fish tails?! Where?!" Owen said, waking up.

"Our next destination is everything you've just asked for!" Chris said.

From her hiding spot behind the door, Sierra gasped.

"Thanks to my extensive viewings and reviewing's and re-reviewing's of seasons one and two, I can safely say with no uncertainty that if Chris says one thing, he means another. Ah, classic Chris," Sierra said with a chuckle.

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