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"Last time on Total Drama World Tour... Egypt. Land of pyramids, land of hot, land of sweaty. Our contestants had loads of fun on the run in the sun. And they still managed to find time to dust a dog, chat up a camel, feed the crocs, and whack a bird. Showing the style on the Nile, Team Amazon managed to pull off a win. Zeke found a way to lose, un-lose, and lose again. And as the sun began to set on the sandy... sands of Egypt, we found out what happens when someone refuses to get along and sing a song. This week, who's gonna sing, who's gonna dance? Who's gonna sell out their friends for a chance at one. Million. Dollars? Welcome to Total. Drama.... World Toooour!"

In loser class, things were not going too well. "Ah! I'm too young to die!" Owen screamed, still terrified of flying. This really was not the season for him.

"Stop sweating, lunchbox. Air travel is like the fifteenth safest mode of transportation. Unless you're in a death trap," Noah stated with an eyeroll. Then there was a loud crash, and a whole broke loose in the wall of the still-in-flight plane. "This one for example!"

Everyone started screaming, rightfully so. They were in the process of getting sucked out of the plane. Jace quickly grabbed onto the side of the bench and grabbed Noah's wrist just in case.

Leshawna was trying to grip onto the bench, but was quickly slipping. "This is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world! Ah!"

Luckily, Alejandro grabbed her. "Such beauty will not fall through giant airplane holes on my watch," he flirted despite the situation. Honestly, if this was not his strategy, he might have let her fall.

As Owen was screaming, the straps tying him to the plane walls snapped, and he was sent flying towards the hole. Due to his size, however, he did not fly out. He merely plugged the hole, which allowed everyone to relax.

"I could've done that. I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more," Harold said, referring to catching Leshawna.

"She wants more, all right. More Alejandro," DJ said to him.

"Ha. DJ, you know nothing about women."

"You can put me down now. I mean, if you wanted. Or not. Your choice. Because this is nice," Leshawna said to Alejandro, who was still holding her.

"Mm-hmm. Nothing," DJ mused.

"You can let me go, J," Noah said in his usual monotone voice.

"Oh, right, sorry." Jace quickly let go of his wrist, and also the bench. "It still feels like I'm falling," they admitted, reaching a hand up to adjust the crown on their head.

"Not that this isn't fascinating and all, but-" Owen screamed. "Help! My butt is being sucked out of a plane!"

Up in first class, the girls (and Cody) were enjoying their win. Courtney slurped on her drink. "I happen to like winning and being in first class, which happens to make me an ideal leader," she said boldly.

"If our team needed one, which we don't, because we're winning," Gwen pointed out from beside her.

"And I have plans to keep it that way. So think about me as leader."

"You're like, not the only person on the team, Courtney. There is my friend Sierra to consider," Heather said. Everyone looked towards Sierra, who was sniffing Cody's things like the obsessed creepy fangirl she was.

"Um, your friend is going through Cody's stuff like a starving raccoon goes through a dumpster," Courtney deadpanned.

"I think his shoelace just went up her nose," Gwen stated, as just that happened over on the couch where Sierra was.

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