Chapter Six

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It is Sunday and tomorrow is Sarah's first day at RAD. She is curious about how demons are being educated. She is on her cellphone, from the other reality, sending messages to her brothers and the two celestial beings, telling  them about the demon brothers and a few other demons she has met yesterday.

Sarah: Tomorrow is my first day at RAD. I am not nervous or anything. I just wanted to know what sort of education they need.

Dean: They're demons. Probably how to torture and kill using weapons and magic. I know that you can outdo all of those lackeys. I know that you can give Lucifer the run for his money.

Sam: Dean! WTF?! Sarah is better than that! If that was the case, why would there be two angels and two humans taking classes in hell?

Cas: Do you know anything about the angels?

Gabe: Yeah Dean-O. The GREAT Sorceress did mentioned that a demon prince wanted to reunite the demons, angels, and humans. Talk about worlds peace.

Sarah: No. I'm gonna wait until I meet them myself. I wonder who they are?

Sam: Please keep your guard up. If you need help with your schoolwork, let me know.

Sarah: I will Sammy. Thanks.

Dean: Please don't practice magic in front of them. The last thing you need is to explain why you are in that reality.

Cas: Do you know the name of the other human?

Sarah: I believe that Lucifer said Solomon.

Gabe: ⁉️

Dean: Solomon?! As in...

Sam: Did he knows?

Sarah: I don't know if he is or not.

Cas: If it is him...are you going to tell him?

Sarah: Not right away. I don't know yet. Goodbye. I'll message you all tomorrow.

Dean: Take care sis. ❤ U

Sam: ❤ U

Gabe: 😘 Take care and don't trust those demons. Especially Asmodeus.

Cas: Take care Sarah.

End chat.

Sarah turn off her cellphone and stick it back inside her nightstand. She went to ber bookbag and pull out her sketch book. She decided to draw the demons she is living with. She started to draw Lucifer first. She drawn him in his demon form. Next, she added three peacocks with him. She knew what colors they are. One is human world colors, the second is Celestial Realm colors, and the third is Devildom colors.
She cannot wait to start painting it on her canvas.
Sarah's D.D.D. went off. When she checks it, she got a message from Lucifer:
Lucifer: Sarah Beth, can you come to my room right now?

Sarah: That escalated quickly. Just let me change into something appropriate...

Lucifer: Sarah Beth! It's nothing like that! I need to go over some paperwork with you. Then I need to give you your school uniforms and timetable. I am going to give you the tour of RAD.

Sarah: 🤭 JK Lucifer. Okay. See you in thirty minutes. 😉

End chat

Lucifer could not help but blush at what Sarah sent. This human is teasing him and he actually enjoys it. He shook his head then closes his eyes. No human is brave enough to tease him like this.

He heard a knock at his door. He open his eyes.
"Come in." Lucifer said, not looking up.
The door open then close.
"You wanna see me, Daddy?" Lucifer heard Sarah said seductively.
Lucifer turns around and saw Sarah wearing nothing but a black lacy bra with a small red bow on it. She has on matching panty. Lucifer could not help but check her body out.
"Does Daddy like what his Baby Girl is wearing?" Sarah ask as she straddle him.
"Yes, I do." Lucifer answer as his gloved hands travels all over her body.
"Lucifer, can I come in?" Sarah's voice sounded far away. There are also sounds of knocking.

Lucifer jerk awake and started to rub his eyes. He look at his D.D.D. and saw that thirty minutes has passed. He got up and open the door. Sarah is standing there. Fully clothed. He couldn't believe he just had that kind of dream about her.
"Sarah Beth, come in. Take a seat." Lucifer said, pointing to a chair opposite of where he sits.
"Lucifer, are you okay? You look flustered." Sarah ask as she sit down.
"I'm fine. There is nothing to be concerned about. Here are some papers you need to read and sign." Lucifer answer, quickly changing the subject.

Sarah took the papers and read them. She took a pen and sign them. Lucifer then hands her the timetable.
She is taking Potions, Devildom History,  Literature, Art, Seduction Speech, Math, Gym, Human World History, and Astronomy.

Lucifer got up and Sarah did the same. She follows him out of his room and left HoL. They made it to RAD. Along the way, a few demons are brave enough to come up to them and had a friendly conversation with the new exchange student. Lucifer allowed them.

As Lucifer shows her around, Sarah made a mental map of the school. Sarah then try on the school uniform.
She is wearing a green collar shirt, fully buttoned up, with a dark grey jacket which fitted like the robes from Harry Potter. A dark grey pleated skirt goes to her knees. A belt is looped around her sides. She decided to wear five different ties. Day one is Gryffindor tie, day two is Slytherin, day three is Ravenclaw, day four is Hufflepuff, and day five is the tie she borrowed from Castiel.
Sarah decided to wear her black leather combat boots.

Sarah went back to Lucifer, who is waiting outside the succubus' restroom, and ask, "Did I put this on right?"
Lucifer could only stare. 'She looks hot in a school uniform. She looks even hotter in the dream I had. She look very familiar for some reason. Her eyes are similar to Solomon's.' Lucifer thought and said, "You did. It's not too tight, is it?"
"It fits quite nicely. I guess Ollivander's is next. Ooh, I could buy an owl! No, a cat! Oh! I need some books, quills, ink bottles, and parchment papers!" Sarah said, her Harry Potter fan mode is turned on.
"No pets allowed at the House of Lamentation. Here your schoolbooks. You can write in them. A normal pen will do." Lucifer said with a chuckle.
Sarah just pouted and went back into the restroom to change out of her uniform.

Once Sarah is back into her room, she took out one of the medium sized canvases and the jars of paint. She got a cup of water with two brushes in it. Sarah paint Lucifer in his demon form. Next, she added the three peacocks. One is blue and green with yellow eyes,  the second is pure white and gold with celestial blue eyes, and the third is a black and gold one with crimson eyes.
The background is a rose garden with black and red roses.

Once finish painting, Sarah got up and look out the window. She saw Satan playing with the cats. She could not help but smile. She got up, grab her D.D.D. and went outside to the garden.
"Sarah Beth! I can explain." Satan said, face turning pink.
"No, you don't. I find cats fascinating. I wanted to have one but Dean is allergic to them. So, I got a hound instead. His name is Ryko." Sarah said, sitting down and petted a grey tabby cat with hazel eyes.
"That's unfortunate. Cats really are fascinating. They help me calm down." Satan said as he patted the gringer colored one with green eyes.

Satan told Sarah about his birth and what he likes and dislikes. In return, Sarah told him how her mother had died giving birth to her. About how her dad took care of her all by himself. He died when she was only two years old. She became an orphan. However, she was adopted by a single dad name John Winchester.
Satan notice that Sarah didn't mention her biological mother and father names. Sarah didn't tell him about her hunter life and how she was in a relationship with both Lucifer and Michael. She just told him that her adopted family traveled a lot.

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