Ch 6

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An emotionally stressed blonde vampire pulled up to the parking lot of her apartment building with her dark gray 2011 Ford Fiesta as she looked briefly in her rearview mirror to see little Henrik napping, comfortably without a care in the world. After leaving the diner, the little guy had passed out cold from such a busy day. What a lucky kid.

Caroline had just returned "home" after her brief confrontation with her best friend, Elena, who revealed herself as the border-lurker vampire that her sheriff mother had been hunting because Elena was having problems properly grieving for her missing boyfriend.

So with the help of her blonde blue-eyed human friend, she was able to compel the girl, who Elena previously fed on and had accidentally let escape, just in the nick of time. She then asked one of her other male friends for his help in dealing with the person who had been providing Elena those herbs that made her extra thirsty for blood and inevitably lose control.

Now, she just felt lost.

On the one hand, everyone was slowly drifting apart from each other. Tyler was hiding from his werewolf gene at Whitmore, Matt and Jeremy never even leave Mystic Falls anymore, Elena was one day away from turning off her emotions and becoming a ripper, and it made her heart hurt to even think about where the missing and possible dead Damon and Bonnie were. It seemed the team needed to be together now more than ever.

But on the other hand, Caroline wasn't exactly alone. Now that Henrik was with her, she barely had the time to read any supernatural books for a way to break the spell. The only way she was able to keep on top of it was due to her vampire speed-reading and yet, she couldn't find it within herself to be upset or to blame him for it. To tell you the truth, the boy had provided a happy and constant distraction that she desperately needed in her life.

Though there have been some unexpected problems that she has run into while watching him. Like earlier today for example, when Henrik had managed to put up this weird invisible wall of some kind with magic. This was clearly what his father meant when Klaus had said that Henrik needed to be protected. If anyone found out that a baby could manage to perform magic then who knows what could happen? But how could she focus on a way to break the barrier spell if she was watching her enemy's son.

It was then that she parked her car before exiting and making her way over to the backseat, staring at Henrik for a moment as if to make some kind of decision, of what was anyone's guess, before then gently taking him out of the car-seat and holding him on her hip to grab the bags with her other free hand. The baby boy squirmed slightly, making Caroline freeze, holding in her breath, before he seemed to quiet down as he calmly slept on her shoulder making the blond immoral breath a sigh of relief, not wanting to deal with a fussy awake Tribrid at that exact moment.

From there, it was a quick trip back to her apartment room where it lay just as cluttered with baby supplies and large heavy books as it did before. The vampire wasted no time in dropping the bags off on the counter then moving to place the sleeping infant in his crib before finally collapsing on the couch in mental exhaustion as she turned on the tv, making sure to turn down the volume when she noticed it nearly woke up the boy, before pushing her hands through her hair as she tried to calm down and organize her thoughts.

The blonde didn't realize how hard it would be to take care of a baby, let alone a magical one.

Caroline then picked up her phone, deciding it was worth a try to once again call her close immortal friend who had been ignoring her for the past four months. While she had developed feelings for Stefan, the woman never took the chance to actually develop a romantic relationship for him and now, it had been four months since the two had even spoken a word to each other.

The Salvatore brother didn't even know that she was currently taking care of her baby "cousin" since he wouldn't pick up the stupid phone when she called and it seemed weird to explain over the phone in a voicemail. Caroline could only hope that Stefan was doing okay.

The phone began to ring as she held in her breath, unsure if he would pick up or not. Only to be disappointed when the phone rang multiple times with no one answering until she heard the familiar words of the man's voicemail, the blonde had heard it so many times by now that she could almost repeat it word for word.

Sometimes it hurt to be the one to hold out hope.


A Couple Hours Later

Henrik blearily opened his eyes, lightly rubbing them in exhaustion, as he took in his surroundings. It seemed that he was back in the crib in his blond caretaker's apartment, he was unsure if that was a good thing or bad thing yet.

After today's events, it seemed that he was at the beginning of season 6 in the hit television series. Was that a good or bad thing though? This meant that depending on how it played out, he could be in great danger. How long would he be in Mystic Falls before his original family would come for him?

The reincarnated baby wasn't sure what was the time difference between The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. Did season 6 end before season 2 of the spin-off began? Did this mean his very existence was going to create a crossover that had never actually happened before? And did he put Caroline in danger from Dahlia now that the blonde vampire was taking care of him?

All these essential questions and deep thinking made the baby feel lightheaded and nearly throw up. Man, it was so much easier back when he only watched this show for entertainment and not survival as he did know.

"Hey, pumpkin, how was your nap?" Caroline's voice asked, getting closer and closer, "I don't think I've seen a baby look so deep in thought before. What were you thinking about, sweetie?"

"Oh, you know just the typical teen angst thoughts that babies have." Henrik uselessly babbled as the blonde immortal picked him up in her arms, holding him in her arms, "I'm actually pretty hungry though. What's the dinner situation tonight? Steak? Lobster? Salmon? Something that says rich and fancy?"

"Well, don't worry, sweetie." Caroline smiled at the baby, "It's time for dinner. Some baby food and a nice warm bottle of milk."

'(Sigh) Of course, it is. God, I miss having teeth.'

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, everyone. I just wanna say that I'll be better at updating this story more and will post at least one chapter per week starting now. Sorry, this chapter is short, It's supposed to be the end of 6x01. The chapter's, from now on, may be either longer or shorter depending on how many times I can rewrite Henrik per episode. My goal is to be starting either Season 5 of The Originals or even better, Season 1 of Legacies before the Season 4 premiere.

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