Prologue: June 8th, 2022

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Rebecca 'Becky' Hidgens glanced at her watch anxiously. She would say it was out of character for her friends to be late, but that would be a lie. It was unlike Hannah to be late, that much was true. Ted and Charlotte would surely be arriving at any moment.

The school car park in which Becky stood was packed with boys in suits - their hair styled to perfection - and girls in supposedly beautiful dresses and faces caked in makeup to the point where they were unrecognisable. They were all huddled in their friend-groups, scrunching up their faces to take selfies or just chatting. Becky laughed at how much she stuck out from everyone else here, as she stood alone outside the school, in a Gryffindor hoodie and jeans, and a sign or her back the read "Just Graduated".

"I thought you 'weren't wasting your time on prom'," asked a sweet yet snide voice. Becky sighed, instantly recognising its owner. Amelia Murphy had once been her best friend. They stuck together through thick and thin. That was until third year, where Becky was singled out at a prize giving for having the best exam results in the year. Becoming leader of the school orchestra probably didn't help either. Amelia had always been super competitive and had a friendly rivalry with Becky... until Becky started winning. Amelia's response was to let her true colours come out. At every opportunity, she tried to make Becky hate herself and be put down. Thankfully, Becky was resilient and stubborn. Amelia's insolence had only driven Becky to work harder, and Becky even managed to claim the Dux title at her high school.

Lisa Kleinman and Lisa Beck snickered from behind Amelia. The Lisas' only purpose seemed to be helping Amelia ruin Becky's life.

"Yes Amelia, I'm dressed in a hoodie and jeans because I'm going to prom," replied Becky sarcastically. "If you really must know, I'm off to meet up with some friends to have a good time."

Amelia feigned shock. "I was just asking, no need to be so defensive. And you really shouldn't be so patronising of prom, the staff and pupils worked so hard to make it perfect this year."

Becky had reached the end of her tether. She had gone for four year politely putting up with Amelia's antics but this was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Actually Amelia, it's not the prom I'm patronising, it's the stupid societal pressures associated with it. Why does everyone have to look perfect? Why does everyone need to bring a date? Why do you have to dance to say goodbye to school? I don't want that. I don't want to spend my last night of school in this uncomfortable environment with people that have treated me like dirt for the last four years, by which I mean you Amelia. You and your brainless drones. By the way Lisas, I was talking about you when I said 'brainless drones', I wasn't sure if you'd figure that out. I want to spend tonight with people whose company I actually enjoy. I want to spend it with people that accept me for the weirdo I am. That's how I want to say goodbye to school. But before I go, since I hopefully will never have to see you again, I have two pieces of advice."

Amelia and the Lisas snorted, but gestured for Becky to continue. "If you want to make friends in life, I'd recommend not showing them who you truly are. Because our friendship all went downhill as soon as I met the real you. And if you want to reach the top, try actually working for it rather than bullying everyone that's doing better than you. Maybe you could've been Dux if you didn't waste time tormenting me meaninglessly. I've been quite decent to you, Amelia. Never once until now have I ever fought back, called you out on your shitty actions. I understood that this was tough for you, you're very competitive in nature and not very used to losing, but sometimes that's what life throws at you. And you just need to suck it up. If Paul knew about the bad blood between us, he'd be turning in his grave. So please Amelia, if not for me then for him, listen to my advice or just piss off."

Amelia stood, dumfounded. The Lisas were also silent, which was an unusual state for them to be in. She just stared at Becky for a few seconds, her brain slowly processing whether to apologise or scream. "I-" she started, before going silent again. Becky sighed and walked away.

"BITCH!" Amelia shouted as she left. "COLD-HEARTED, UNRELENTING BITCH"
Becky sighed. She had given Amelia the perfect opportunity to reconcile, something that Amelia absolutely did not deserve. Some people can't be saved, thought Becky.

Finally, the bus pulled into the school car park. Hannah and Charlotte had arrived. Becky was ecstatic to see they had got the dress code. Hannah was in a Ravenclaw hoodie and Charlotte wore a Hufflepuff one. They stepped off and headed straight for Becky.

"My wife has arrived," announced Becky, as she curtseyed and extended a hand towards Charlotte.

"Um, I think you mean ex-wife, remember Uno?" Charlotte replied, indignantly.

"Hey look, Ted's here too!" exclaimed Hannah. Becky looked round and sure enough, Ted and Bruce were headed their way. Much to Becky's delight, Ted had his Slytherin hoodie on.

"'Sup idiots, did I miss anything?" asked Ted.

"Nah not much, just another domestic between Charlotte and Becky." Hannah replied.

"Lemme guess, Dobble?" laughed Ted.

"Actually," Becky interjected. "It was Uno. Alright, we have five now, we're ready to go. Laser Tag time."

They made their way to the street and waited on their Taxi together, passing the time by debating the hidden romance between Nick and Gatsby and arguing about the whether Ted and Bruce, Becky and Charlotte or Charlotte and Hannah made the best relationship. When the taxi finally pulled up, they continued inside.

"Obviously me and Ted here are the cutest," Bruce stated, as though there was no room for debate.

"Well me and Hannah have know each other since Primary school," Charlotte cut in. "We've been inseparable longer than you two."

"Actually, I think there's a great thing going on romantically between me and the ground," the taxi driver added. Everyone laughed quite loudly with nostalgia, which confused the taxi driver. "That... wasn't that funny, I don't deserve that much laughter," he said.

"Yeah it isn't really," Becky said. "You just reminded us of an old friend I think."

The taxi driver nodded. "Paul Houston, right?"

Becky was dumbfounded. "H-how do you know that name?" Suddenly the passenger area filled up with gas. The driver laughed psychotically and turned around.

"Long time no see Hidgens," said the taxi driver, turning around. The last thing Becky saw as she blacked out was Paul Houston's face.

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