Scrabble Night

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A/N they don't go to college in New Rome in this story.

Annabeth POV:

Ugh, screw being dyslexic.

Me and Percy signed up for this school, where "special" kids go, and let me tell you, it's torture.

The only thing remotely good is that Piper charm spoke the headmaster into letting me and Percy share a dorm.

Anyways, tonight we've got to play scrabble with our hall mates. (The people that also have dorms in this hall) There are 8, and I know "Scrabble is only two people"

But come on, what did you expect, for this school NOT to have weird mutation games. They quadruple the amount of squares, and size of the board. Then quadruple the amount of pieces.

That brings us to here, and now.


"PERCY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He had these headphones that blocked out noise, (Noise cancelling headphones) and he hid in really weird spots so that I couldn't take them off.

After a few seconds I hear "Coming" Percy walks out of his room. What? He usually isn't in there when he is listening to music.

"It's 7:00, scrabble time," I say. He scrunches his eyebrows together, and looks confused, he's really cute when he does that. His eyes were the perfect shade of...

I'm getting off topic, Percy wiped the expression off his face and said, "I thought scrabble was at 8:00?" Ugh, he was so annoying, "Percy, it's in our dorm this week"

He rolled his eyes and put on his headphones, then walked into his room.

Seriously, I didn't like it here, any more than he did, but we were going to get kicked out, if we caused any more trouble.

This time I rolled my eyes and walked up to his door. I knocked but he didn't answer. Screw those damn headphones.

"PERCYYYYY!" I yelled as loud as I could, the whole school probably heard me. But Percy didn't answer. I waited a minute or two, before I grabbed the handle. The door was locked.

I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. Percy and I made a deal not to lock the doors, and change in our tiny closets. Percy was the most loyal to this deal.

"PERcy" my voice cracked mid-word. Why was the door locked, and why didn't he answer?

"Percy" My voice sounded like gravel. I grabbed a pin from my hair, and jammed it into the lock.

I heard a click after a few seconds, and the door swung open.

Percy was sitting at his desk, looking at a picture, emailed from Piper was me, kissing some guy named Carter. Percy didn't really believe that, did he? But there were several pictures, and three videos.

I mean, he could just have Leo check to see if they were real. That's when I realized that Leo was on the phone with him. I saw Percy say thanks and hang up.

Ugh, it was probably some doppelganger or something. But, that picture looked exactly like me, and... The same voice, and everything.

It was me... I knew it, how though?

I realized that only one person would and could do this, Drew Tanaka.

I shut the door quietly, which was unnecessary because of his headphones.

I walked up to him, spun the chair around and hugged him, I buried my face in his shoulder for a second before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me back.

I heard the hall members knock on the door, but I didn't care, this was the only important thing in the world right now, everything else was irrelevant. I felt our foreheads touch, and for once, I thought I might be the happiest girl in the world.

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