Once we reached the water he immediately shoved my head under I couldn't hold my breath for long so I soon inhaled the water and passed out, the was awoken when I coughed up the water and could breath again and there Noah was he had given me cpr just so he could throw me in the water I could swim lucky but it stung so bad, I got out of the water my cuts stinging and I was soaked, blood started coming out of my cuts again the dried blood that was stopping it had been washed off "Noah please take me back" he sighed and nodded "take off your shirt so you don't bleed all over my car "Noah" Noah had also known about my eating disorder, he liked to support me through it by telling me I was right I was fat and he encouraged me to puke my food up "come on, take it off" I shook my head and pressed my soaked pants against my cuts.

After a while we arrived "get out of my car I'll be coming back in a week I'll do something different next time."

And he did, he came back every week and did something different each time, like 2 days after he came I would go and visit sapnap the doctors said he was doing better and now had an 80 percent chance of survival.

Once Noah stopped showing up I would eat something small every once in a while just so I didn't die of starvation and I was cutting daily, 2 cuts a day.

~time skip uh this is like 3 months in bc I alread have over 1000 words~

One day I fell asleep in the hospital and woke up to someone calling my name it was this kid named George from school "hey Karl right" he said as I opened my eyes "yep thats me" he asked what I was here for and I told him a friend "hey are you ok you look really pale" I nodded and he placed a hand on my leg, I winced as he placed his hand on a spot I had cut on yesterday, he pulled his hand back and apologized "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I looked at him and and smiled "its fine I'm used to it" he looked at me in shock before I realized what I had just said he now put his hand on my shoulder and we just talked for a while.


In the amount of time sapnap was out for George tried to help me eat and stop cutting of course it didn't work and I would just throw up my food before I got in the shower and sometimes I would cut but it was fine,I'm fine.

One time noah came back and took me back to the lake I let him do it but this time he didn't let me inhale the water, he would take my head out before I took a breath.

Once he took me home I went to sapnap's night stand as I had seen him put pills back in there, and I went through it until I found oldish pills they would still work though. I walked into the bathroom and dumped the pills into my hand "its time I'm sorry sapnap that I won't be here when you wake up I'm sorry George that I have to leave you even after you tried to help I'm sorry dream jayson becky and Noah for taking away your guy's source of anger management" I inhaled before letting out my last words before I chucked the pills in my mouth "I love you so much sapnap."


I woke up again why did I always wake up, a nurse walked in a few minutes later, it was the same one a I had when I was almost beat to death.

"Hi sir I've come to inform you that we have to admit you to a mental hospital I know that you've been admited to one before when you were,....15 for attempted suicide you tried the same way as now I'm sorry but we have to also because it appears you are serverly under weight as well."

I nodded but asked a question "can I at least wait until my friend wakes up" the doctor shook his head and said I would be transferred there from the hospital in 2 days.

George came to visit me the next day comforting me and telling me about his boyfriend, yes his boyfriend is dream and he still doesn't know that dream has made my life hell and he won't ever I can't do that to him he seems so, so happy with dream and wouldn't want to ruin it.

"So you're going to a mental hospital?" George questioned obviously already knowing the answer, I nodded he looked up at me pity filled his eyes as he broke eye contact with me obviously embarrassed that I started it.

(We are about 7 months in now and Karl will be there for sapnap waking up an you would know if u read chapter 7)

It had already been 2 days I was on my way to the mental hospital, the doctors told me that I would be force fed if I didn't eat on my own at breakfast lunch and dinner and that I would be released in a week, what if I missed sapnap waking up.

And that exactly how it went I was force fed for a week and I gained at least 20 pounds I would need to lose that before sapnap woke up if I didn't miss it.


Once I was out of the mental hospital I visited sapnap everyday.

I wasn't missing him waking up.

Not even if it meant I would die I wasn't missing this.

I didn't eat anything but a granola bar for a month I was losing weight quickly I was pale and I had large eye bags and I was cutting everyday, 4 cuts a day until...

...one day I fell asleep and woke up to sapnap sitting up with his eyes open he was awake "sapnap?" he got up and ran to me, he picked me up slightly squeezing me "Karl have you been eating" I looked anywhere but at him "have you" I said back trying to lighten the mood "Karl I know you took these 9 months as a chance to go back to everything but I'm here now and I promise this time I'll help you get better" he held his hand out with his pinky out "promise we'll get better together" he asked I interlocked our pinkys my other hand had ny fingers crossed behind my back, I wanted to get better but being skinnier is way better then being healthy.


We got home and both went to bed happy to cuddle up together again.

Woah long chapter thank you guys for 230 reads I'm so happy hope you guys enjoy this long part and remember to eat and drink something because I acre about you guys

1940 words damn

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