Chapter 25 - Regionals

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Months later......


Today are regionals and we are very nervous, especially me because it was the first time that i was going to sing in front of a lot of people, but luckily Rachel was there calming me down.

"Everything is going to be fine, you have one of the best voices i've ever heard" Rachel told me as she straightened my hair

"I think i'm going to barf" I said

Rachel reached for my cheeks and gave me a kiss.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked 

"Yes, but i think i need another one, just in case" I said with a smile

Rachel frowning, gave me another kiss, this time much sweeter.

"Guys 3 minutes left" Mr Shue said as we all got ready

We held hands and said a few words.

"I'm very proud of you guys, we are going to crush them!" Mr Shue told us clapping his hands.

We all hugged and as Rachel and I prepared ourselves to sing i grabbed her hand lacing fingers with her and i told her, "I love you" The words came out of my mouth without even realizing what i just said

"I love you too" She said smiling.

"I love you too" She said smiling

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We went on stage.


When we finished singing we were waiting for the judges to told us who won, we were holding hands with our eyes closed waiting for the results.

When we finished singing we were waiting for the judges to told us who won, we were holding hands with our eyes closed waiting for the results

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"And this year's winners are............."


We all screamed with happiness, and we started hugging each other. We had finally won something and we all deserved it. Then we decided to go to breadsticks to celebrate.


While we were at breadsticks Blaine told me that he wanted to talk to me about something, in private. We got up from the table and went to a corner to talk.

"What's up Blaine" I asked

"Y/N I know that you are Kurt's best friend, you have to promise me to not tell anyone what i'm going to ask you" He whispered

"I promise" 

"I want to ask Kurt to marry me" Blaine said.

I was shocked and i gave a little scream before Blaine put his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"I can't believe it, this is the best thing in the world" I said excited

"I want you to help me think about how should i tell him and when" He told me

We finished talking and went back to the table with the others. When i got back to the table Rachel asked me if everything was okay and,  i wanted to tell her the news but i had promised Blaine to keep it a secret, so i just told her "yes, babe" giving her a little peck on the lips.

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