Chapter 7 - Me, jealous?

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We arrived to breadsticks and everyone was waiting for us, we sat down and started talking.

"Okay but i have a question for you." Kurt said looking at me

"For me?" I replied pointing at myself

"Yes, you like Quinn Fabray right?" Everyone looked at me with doubt, the only one who didn't looked at me that way was Santana, she looked at me with eyes of jealousy.

"hahaha why do you think that?" I laughed

"It was super obvious how the two of you looked at each other while singing the duet." Mercedes said and Blaine added "Yeah, plus Quinn doesn't see anyone the way she sees you, thats why it's that obvious."

Nervous i replied "Well, I think is very fast to know that kind of things."

"Well, we'd better ask for something to eat because i'm starving, and stop being so gossipy." Santana said


After we finished eating we saw Quinn walking into the restaurant with Sam.

"Did you guys see who's here?" Blaine told us and we looked at Quinn and Sam's direction

"Sam is taking your girl." Kurt said and everyone laughed except Santana.

"And what do we do? Let's go say hi." I said

"Don't do that, they are on a date don't you see?" Santana added

"Don't do that, they are on a date don't you see?" Santana added

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We were ready to leave but i had to go to the bathroom. "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom." I told them


Sam was talking to me about something but the truth was that i wasn't paying attention to him, actually i was looking at Y/N. I was starting to getting bored at sam with his bad jokes and impressions.

Then i saw that Y/N was on her way to the bathroom and i decided to go after her.

"Sam i'm going to the bathroom" Sam ignored me so i got up and went to the bathroom.


On the way to the bathroom i passed by Quinn and Sam's table and from the corner of my eye i saw Quinn standing up and coming after me.

I went into the bathroom and started to wash my hands, then Quinn entered to the bathroom and she was looking at me from the mirror.

"Hi Quinn."


"So how's your date with Sam going?" I asked her with a playful smile

"Why do you want to know?......., are you jealous?" Quinn replied with a smirk

I was shocked, maybe i was jealous but i didn't want to admit it.

"Me, jealous!? Why would i'd be jealous?".  I ask her but i wasn't looking at her.

  I ask her but i wasn't looking at her

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"I don't know thats why im asking." Quinn started to move closer to me until we were inches from each other, our breaths started to get stronger and my head was spinning cause all the tension.



Her hands started to brush my arms, i felt the pressure of her body with mine, she was leaning towards my lips and suddenly.

"Were leaving, hurry up"  Santana shouted from outside the bathroom.

Quinn and I quickly moved away from each other. Quinn almost ran out of the bathroom which seemed very strange to me and then i thought.

"Why did she ran if she was the one who wanted to kiss me?"

I came out the bathroom and everyone was waiting for me outside. Everyone want to their houses but i offered to take Santana to her house, which she accepted without a second thought.


I went back to the table with Sam and i asked myself "Why were you going to kiss Y/N?"

"Quinn....Quinn!" Sam was talking to me until i react

"Sorry" I said

"Quinn, there's something i need to tell you" Sam said reaching for my hand

"What?" I asked him.

"I think we need to break up" Sam told me

"What?!" I asked him with an angry tone "You are not going to dump me, im Quinn freaking Fabray, I'M going to break up with you" I got up from the table and left the restaurant.

If you were on Glee - Rachel B/ Quinn F/ Santana L X YOUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя