Chapter 24 - I'm going to kill her

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The next day we told Mr Shue the song Rachel and I decided to sing.

"Perfect, let's rehearse everybody" Mr Shue said.

Rachel and I walked up front and started singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart.

Don't go breaking my heart

I couldn't if i tried

Honey if i get restless

Baby you're not that kind

Don't go breaking my heart

You take the weight off of me

Honey when you knocked on my door

Ooh, i gave you my key

Woo hoo

Nobody knows it

When i was down

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When i was down

I was your clown

Woo hoo

Nobody know it


When we finished singing we all clapped, even Mr Shue

"That was great guys!" Mr Shue said

I put my arm around Rachel and whispered

"I love singing with you"

She smiled at me

"Now that we have our setlist for regionals we have to rehearse until that day okay?" Mr Shue told us.


At the end of the class I told Rachel to wait for me because i had to get my bike keys that were at my locker, since i couldnt find them, luckily the keys were there. 

I was closing my locker when I listened the voice of Santana who was talking to me.

"Why did you get back together with Berry?" She told me, and she was pretty angry.

"Why did you get back together with Berry?" She told me, and she was pretty angry

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"I talked to her and she explained me everything" I replied

"How can you believe her, if you saw with your own eyes how she was eating Finn" She asked me

"She told me that Finn kissed her" I replied

"Okay, if you want believe her it's your problem, but please understand that she eventually will end up hurting you" She reached for my hand


"Get your hands off my girlfriend" Rachel's voice interrupted me and i saw her walking towards us.

"Rachel calm down" I told her grabbing her arm.

"Wow im so scared" Santana said sarcastically

"I'm sick of you trying to take Y/N away from me whenever you have the chance" Rachel told Santana.

"I'm not taking anyone away from you, Instead you should take care of her and not be kissing the first guy who comes in front of you" She answered her

Rachel furiously slapped Santana

While i was trying to separate them, Puck came and helped me

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While i was trying to separate them, Puck came and helped me. He grabbed Santana by the waist and I grabbed Rachel.

"Noah let me go so i can beat Berry's ass" Santana yelled

"Enough!" I screamed and took Rachel back to my bike by the hand.


"I'm going to kill her" I said at Puck who was still holding me.

"Santana calm down" He said

"Let go of me Puckerman" I said taking his hands off of me.

"I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass, Rachel Berry" I told myself


"Rachel, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked her mad

"What did you want me to do, i get very jealous when you're with her" She answered me

"That doesn't give you the right to hit her"

"Oh so you're going to take her side?" She said annoyed

"I'm not taking anyone's side. I want you to calm down" I told her

We got on my bike and i took her home.


We got off the bike and i hugged Rachel giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Sorry for hitting Santana" She told me putting her head on my chest an her hands around my waist.

"It's fine, but i don't want you to fight with her anymore, okay?" I told her

"I can't promise you anything"

I turned to see her with a frown

"Okay okay, im not going to fight with her again" She said

I gave her a little peck on her lips and she walked into her house.

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