Error 404 & Alpha x Mother Reader

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Heyo! So you may have gotten a few chapters published, because I felt bad and decided to publish them all :3

Also, forgot who requested it and it may be a little different since I lost the screenshot in my gallery ;w; *pics of skeletons filled it- and vids from tiktok of them-*

Dear lord, TreeTea, I hope in another ten years you will never find this book -w- Pls don't read if you find this-


So, how did 404 get in this situation...

Really, he found himself in the embrace of his mother, Y/n.

How'd this happen? Yeah, let's rewind. (It's rewind time!- sorry) Back to when it all happened with "Your mother's alive, Error 404"

404 did not believe it, of course who wouldn't? That old lady should've been dead like the others!

"DaNg, WhEn I tHoUgHt ShE wAs FiNalLy dEaD" He crossed his arms, feeling a twig of annoyance, "tHaT wOmEn ShOuLd'Ve StAyeD wItH tHe DeMoNs In HeLl" 404 grumbled.

Timekid rolled his eyes, "Well, she's alive, I don't understand why you would be so grumpy about that"

"aCtUaLlY, i WaS oVeR sHoCk, WhAt?!" TK hummed and nodded, looking over his papers.

"Yep!" He popped out the 'p', "She's alive, can you stop being surprised?" The short skeleton rose a brow in question.

"...bUt, WhO wOuLdN't?" TK stared at the other, before looking over to the distance, giving a look of 'You hearing this, guys?'

"...wHaT aRe YoU lOoKiNg At?" Error 404 looked at the place where the shorter was looking at, finding nothing and no one there, "yOu TrIpPiNg"

"Okay, anyways, she'll be in the other room, and really...I'm so proud you didn't ask why we're in a hospital!" 404 nodded, it was true, they were in a hospital.

"wHy ArE wE eVeN iN a HoSpItAl?"


"rIgHt, RiGhT, sHeEsH" The glitched skeleton headed out of the weirdly small room, glancing at the other suspiciously, TK was ripping up the papers he had.

"Stupid Bill, sabotaging my paper..." He mumbled.


As 404 opened the door, he was welcomed with a grin from his mother, how...fascinating.

Still alive, yeesh.

Y/n gasped as she spread out her arms, "My baby boy!"

'oH hElL' The glitchy skeleton panicked slightly as he threw a hospital bed at her, she dodged...nice, "g-GeT aWaY fRoM mE, wOmEn!"

"Awe~ being a grumpy baby? We can't have that! Come here and give mama a hug~!" Y/n coed, making 404 screech in glitchy screams.


And yep, that's where he is now, out for ice cream with his mother after the whole hug topic, atleast he got mint chocolate.

"Ooo~! I cannot wait for the three of us to reunite, 404! Your brother will be so happy!" Y/n gave a excited smile as she licked her F/F ice cream.

Error 404 choked on his treat and coughed, deciding to put mint chocolate to the dislike list.


"Yes! Alpha will be so excited!" She chirped.

Not only did 404 know, his brother was still alive and moving, but his mother too...nice.

She could've just stayed dead ngl.

I'm sorry! Not as much motivation I thought I would have! I've been in my comfort zone for too long >:/ Also, hope you do not mind that the others were small as well! I was tired out heh -w-

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