Chapter 7: Let's change the future?

Start from the beginning

"After you met me, I suddenly had these new memories of meeting you in the college pop up in my head. I had a headache and the whole scene played out in my head. Your present is essentially my past — so I remembered it all."

"But, you told me you left college right when your dad had an accident. How were you still at college?"

"Yeah, I just remembered today that my dad and I had the accident on February 1st, so I guess, in your timeline I am still in college for two more weeks." I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the sofa. Now that I was relieved seeing Tine here at the house, the tiredness of the day was finally catching up to me.

"You were in the accident too? I thought it was your dad who had the accident."

"Dad was driving the car. I was sitting beside him. I somehow jumped out of the car, but dad... his head injury was really bad.

We were both going to my college, for the music fest. I was supposed to perform with my band and I really wanted to take him with me to college so he could see my performance... Of course he never really ended up seeing me perform on a stage, ever."

"Sarawat..." Suddenly, I felt Tine's hand over mine. "I am sorry you had to go through that, Wat. I am sure he'd be very, very proud of you."

I laughed sadly. "I didn't even finish college. I don't think he would be particularly proud of me."

"But you made the best out of the situation, Wat. You needed money and you did the best you could. Your life is more comfortable now and your brother is able to continue studying because of all your hard work."

"Dad is still in hospital so I don't think I was able to do much."


I turned towards Tine to ask him the one question that had been on my mind all day. "Tine, there's one thing I don't understand. How did you meet me today? We weren't supposed to meet. I never saw you before we met in the apartment, so how did we end up meeting in college?"

"I—I don't know either. I mean since you clearly said you hadn't seen me before, I assumed you had dropped out of college by now. I was just as surprised as you were when I reached the Political Science building. And then I was even more surprised when you threatened me." Tine clicked his tongue.

"Threatened you? What are you talking about?"

"You told me to stop looking at you or you would kiss me till I drop? That's threatening people Sarawat.." Tine looked at me seriously.

I started to laugh. "Tine, you can't be serious. You really thought that was threatening?"

Now how do I tell you I fell in love with you right when I saw you and blurted out the first words that came to my mind?

"I wasn't threatening you, Tine. I just felt a bit overwhelmed I guess. I wasn't a very social person in college, and if I came off as rude, I am very sorry."

"Its okay. I don't mind.

No scratch that, actually, I did mind, which is why I ran the hell away from you. You were so different in college than you are now."

"Was I?" Sarawat looked down. "I guess I was just a bit shocked when I saw you in college, but I am still the same person, Tine. The Sarawat you see in front of you right now and the Sarawat you met in college are the same person — It's just one is a bit older than the other."

"I-I will keep that in mind. May be I won't try to run away from you the next time I see you." Tine smiled.

I don't know if there will be a next time Tine. I don't know what would be the repercussions of us meeting again, but I would like there to be a next time.

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