"She must have been smart," she smiled, "your mom."

"Oh yeah," I nodded as I laughed, "she's very smart. She's a good mom. I miss her, I miss all of them."

"I know," she walked over to me, "I'm sure it's really tough."

She set her hand on my shoulder and it was as if my entire body just felt relief, relaxed. I closed my eyes and when I opened them Jace was staring at me. I looked down and then stood up.

"Okay," Kira said, "everyone out to the truck. I am going to lock up and I'll be out."

Me and Jace walked outside, he shut the front door behind him, "listen kid," he said sternly, "if you are here for trouble, I'm ready for it. Don't pull any shit."

"I'm not man!" I snapped, "my entire family might be dead! I just want to go home with them! I don't want to be here with you anyways."

He wrapped his fingers around my throat and threw me into the side of the truck. He lifted my body above the ground and his eyes glowed yellow. The front door opened and he let me go. I touched the ground and started coughing.

I climbed in the backseat as Jace closed his door. Kira walked around and hopped in the drivers seat. A few minutes later the door opened and Alex hopped in.

"What's up guys?" he said loudly as he slammed the door, "ready for today?"

"No," Kira shook her head, "it's going to be a long long day."

"Full moon is tomorrow," Alex added quickly, "don't forget."

"Shit," Jace sighed, "okay. I'll go to the cave. Justin, do you have control?"

"Um," I stuttered, "I - I don't think so."

"You don't think so or you don't?" he asked again.

"Jace stop," Kira interrupted, "seriously. Chill out. We can figure it out. We have a basement, I can grab some chains after school and he will be okay."

He shook his head and I felt my anger just boil up inside me. I closed my eyes and let out a small growl as she backed the truck out of the driveway.


We pulled into the school parking lot and we all sat in the truck.

"Well this sucks," Alex sighed, "god I hate school."

"We all do," I laughed, "lets go guys."

The four of us got out and started walking towards the school doors. Jace intertwined our fingers and kissed me, "I'll see you in a bit okay?"

"Okay," I smiled, "see you soon. Have a good day."

I kissed him again and then I made my way to the principals office. I walked in with Justin.

"Is Mrs. Jeffers here?" I asked.

"Yes," she walked around the corner, "oh Kira! How are you doing? Come in come in!"

Me and Justin followed her into her office and sat down across from her. I snapped my fingers behind my back.

"How can I help you two?" she asked.

"Justin needs to be signed up," I nodded, "he is my brother. I was just able to find him via DNA testing and now he's here and ready to come to school."

"Kira," she took off her glasses, "tell me the truth. Where did he come from? You can trust me."

I looked at her closely. Why didn't my spell work?

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