'Jumping to the side will give me some momentum to knock Vlad down and put him in the jail.' i thought to myself as I brought one foot out to kick him in the head.

The plan went almost exactly how I hoped it would. Except Vlad was out cold because I kicked him on the side of his neck. There's a ligament in the neck that if you hit it hard enough, you can knock someone out cold. (true fact) I accidentally kicked that ligament. 'Fuck.' I thought.

Vlad has enough muscle to cover that sweets pot but the way his head was turned opened it and in some miraculous way, I kicked it. I snaked about 5 chains from each hand around vlad and picked him up and placed him in the jail. He was REALLY heavy. I had no idea how I even picked him up.

I closed the door and turned to Nezu who was sipping on a cup of tea. I sighed. "So, am I done here?" I questioned monotonously. Vlad and Midnight were obviously holding back. Nezu nodded in response and I picked up my backpack with my normal clothes in. "Y/N, please come with me to get your uniform." Nezu said with a small smile. I nodded and followed him to a storage room. He gave me three sets, told me that I was in 1A and sent me on my way.

When I got home, I put the uniforms on hangers and changed into some burgundy sweats and a tank top.

The days passed very quickly, with me sleeping most of the time and cuddling with the cats.

The day finally came where I had to go to U.A. I was kind of excited. I slid into my uniform which consisted of a dark green skirt, a while button up dress shirt, some thigh high socks and the blazer. I left the first two buttons if my shirt undone and didn't wear the tie. I didn't like the feel of it.

I went downstairs, ate a piece of toast, went back upstairs, brushed my teeth and put a bit of purple eye shadow under my eyed and walked back downstairs where I found Hitoshi mindlessly scrolling through his phone. I tapped him on his shoulder, telling him that we were going and he stood up.

We walked to the door and slid into our shoes. We each grabbed an umbrella and walked to the train station in the rain.

When we got off the train, we made our way to the familiar pristine building. 

I dried off my umbrella and put it in the bucket thingy. I switched my sneakers out for indoor shoes and headed to the teacher's lounge to chill there until Dad called me. Some teachers were there, but they didn't mind me since my dad usually brought me with him if I didn't have school in junior high.

A few minutes later, dad walked in. "Y/N, come with me and wait outside until I say that you can come in." he said as I was picking up my school backpack. I nodded in response and followed him to his classroom. I waited outside as I heard the chatter quiet down. I listened closely to what my dad was saying.

"Ribbit. Mr Aizawa, you don't have any bandages anymore, that's good news." Tsu commented. "The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment. Whatever. We have a new student." Dad stated. "Is it Shinso?" I think it was Midoriya who asked. "No. She transferred here from another school." dad spoke. There were whispers of confusion. "Quiet." dad's voice became stern. The class quieted down. "You can come in." he said. I quietly walked into class and turned to face them. "Aizawa? Why did you transfer from Shiketsu?" both Ashido and Jirou asked in unison. I sighed. "Well it's closer and my brother already goes here so it's just easier." I blandly stated. "There's a table for you behind Yaoyorozu." dad said tiredly. I nodded and quietly walked to the table that they put behind her for me. I sat down and hung my bag on the little hook on the side.

"Now that that's over with, we have a big class today. On hero informatics." he stated. I just felt the vibe in the class shift. Little do they know, it's just our hero names. "You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities." he said. The entire class erupted in cheers and happiness. Dad shot them a glare while using his quirk and the class quickly quieted sown again. "This is related to the Pro Hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time that we were in class together. Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first years like you, pro's are investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation." he said.

Chains of Fate  [S. Todoroki x Reader] [Aizawa's Daughter] Where stories live. Discover now