CHAPTER 4 : Coworker

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Unfortunately, I don't have a day off today, today I am working all horrible day

I had to wake up at 7 today to get ready so that I could get to work at 8

I work in a coffee shop in the mall. It has its perks, I get a discount on everything and anything left over at the end of the day I get to take home if I want

I am going to take everything today since they made me work all-day

Around ten, I switch from being a cashier to cleaning around the shop and notice something out of the corner of my eye

Why is Jisoo dragging Jennie over here? Jisoo want a bad coffee

I notice that they are arguing about something and constantly looking in the direction of one of my coworkers who is taking a break and sitting at a table

Then Jisoo pushed Jennie in the direction and leave, Jennie stands there hesitantly and back away slowly, but Jisoo come back and pushed her again

Is Jennie going to try to talk to my coworker, Seulgi? Don't get me wrong, Seulgi is hot, but she's sort of a bitch

It seems like Jennie is nervous to talk to Seulgi

Is Jennie going to try to flirt with Seulgi? I mean I get gay vibes from Jennie, so maybe is trying to ask Seulgi out?

Oh hell no. Seulgi is going to make fun of Jennie

Jennie shouldn't go for a bitch like Seulgi, she deserves so much better. Jennie is too precious to be hurt by that pain the butt

I slowly walk over to Seulgi and tell her the manager wants to see her as I notice Jennie contemplating walking over here

Seulgi goes in the back to find the manager and I noticed Jennie find the courage to walk over here with her eyes glued to the floor

I mean at least she tried coming over here?

The moment she makes it to the table she looks up and seems surprised to see me instead of my coworker

"Hey there, Love"

"Lisa? What are your doing here?" She asked getting all flustered

I point to my uniform and she says 'ohh'

"What are you doing here? You want a coffee?" I asked her while smirking

"Umm yeah. That's exactly why I came over here" she said stumbling over her words

She's adorable and always finds a way to amuse me

"Okay, come over to the cash register, I'll get you a coffee," I said grabbing her hand and intertwining my fingers with hers

It feels so right for some reason

When I look back at her, she is blushing so much. Damn, can this girl not get any cuter?

"What kind of coffee do you want?" I asked her

"Umm, surprise me?" She said making me wink at her

I make her my favorite coffee and before giving it to her I grab a sharpie to write my number on it. I look at her to see her curious as to what I wrote

"I wrote my number, I forgot to give it to you in the classroom, for tutoring"

"Oh right, thanks," she said and I sense a little disappointment in her reaction

Was she expecting me to say something else?

She pulls money out of her pocket and hands it to me, but I push her hand away

"It's on me, love. Call it even for you tutoring me" I said

She said 'thanks' and turns around to leave

Something in me suddenly doesn't want her to leave and I follow her out of the shop

I grab her arm to make her face me and I lean into her ear to whisper "I can't wait until Wednesday. See you then love"

I pulled away and smiled at her, she smiled back at me and it makes my heart jump with joy

We said goodbye and I head back inside, seeing her smile at me made me feel so good

She has such a beautiful smile, there is so much light and joy in her smile

"I'm surprised you're going for that girl. She's not your typical" My coworker commented, Jackson

"I'm not trying anything with her and I don't have a type" I retort back

"Come on, of course, you are trying to date her or sleep with her. Everyone noticed how much you were smiling when she walked in the shop"

"She deserves more than that, okay. She doesn't deserve to be played with. She's a good person, she's kind, smart, awkward, and kind of dorky" I explain

"Sounds nothing like your type, but you like her," Jackson said playfully

"I don't have a type and I don't like her in that way," I said

"Go ahead, keep lying to yourself" Jackson laughed

There's no way I can actually like this girl, right? I mean, Jackson is a little right

I go for bad girls, I don't go for the sweet ones. But, there's something about Jennie that I can't let go of

There's more to her than just being the innocent sweet girl

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