After we told the realtor our plan, we headed back to the apartment complex in hopes the two apartments adjacent from each other were still available. "You two are in luck. I just had the two movers back out at the last minute. I'll draw up the paperwork and give you the keys." Maybe this was how things were supposed to be after all. Once we finished the paperwork he handed us the keys and we headed for the building. I was too excited about being across the hall from Adam. That way we were still close by but I could have my own space too. Both apartments were beautiful. They had a huge open floor plan and amazing views of the Hollywood sign. I could already see my decor coming to life here. Which meant it was time to do some shopping. Since I couldn't really take any furniture with me from my other apartment, Ikea it was.

Adam was actually a huge help in finding furniture to go in both of our apartments. It turns out, he loved to shop just as much as I did. Who knew. We hit up some other stores to find things for the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. I found some cute decorations I snagged along the way and we ended the day with dinner at a cool taco truck nearby. "Wow, what a day. This was so much fun and much needed. I forgot about everything else today. We were just two normal humans buying stuff for our new apartments." He laughed and clinked his glass to mine. "We should probably head back soon. It's getting late and we need to start packing up our old places."

Back to reality we went. After we arrived back home I started packing up my apartment. Of course I was sad but I didn't really feel tied to this place anymore. Too much damage had been done. I hoped by now Jake had received the hint that he just couldn't get me and move on to the next poor girl. Actually, I wish his dumb face would rot in jail forever. I wasn't sure why or how he was being held on psychiatric watch and not rotting in a cell somewhere but he was. Which meant he probably still could find a way out. I knew my heart couldn't rest until I spoke to him face to face. I know it sounds crazy but I have to know why he targeted me, why he was still coming after me. I'm the kind of person who has way too many questions to let something go. I just had to convince Adam I needed this. 

I decided to meet him at his place because I was tired of packing. Most of my apartment was now in boxes. I was nervous to pitch my idea of going to face Jake. I know it sounded incredibly stupid but I need to lay this part of my life to rest. And a small part of me wants to make sure he is still there. On high lock down. Adam had dinner ready for me when I arrived and the house smelled amazing. I don't know why we didn't stay at his apartment more. He was in a swanky apartment right near the studio and it had incredible views. "mmm, this smells amazing. What is it?" He had prepared something with piccata in the name and I scarfed it down like I hadn't eaten in forever.

After dinner we moved to the couch and shared a bottle of wine. Three glasses in, I decided I was brave enough to ask him. "So I have a proposition. And before you respond, just listen. Because I know it's crazy trust me." He raised an eyebrow and downed the rest of his glass. He sat it on the table and turned to look at me. "Ok, so I've been thinking of visiting Jake. And before you go all crazy just hear me out. I've spent the last several weeks running from him basically. I need answers. I need to know why me, I need to know why he keeps trying to ruin my life. I want to face him and be brave and overcome my fear of him being around every corner. Also, I want to make sure he is still on lockdown and can't get to me again." 

Adam swallowed hard and ran a hand down his face. That usually meant he was frustrated or over thinking something. "I do think it's crazy but if that's something you need to do to start healing and moving forward. Then I say do it. But keep your guard up. He is going to try and say things that aren't true and try to sway you. That's his MO though. Don't let him in your head." He wrapped me in his arms and kissed my head. "I can't wait to move away from here and start our lives together. A fresh start. Let's get some rest. Big day tomorrow I guess." He gave me a small smile but I could tell he was nervous. I know he didn't want to agree to me doing this but he would regret it if he didn't. 

The Wrong OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz