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~at the guild~

Natsu pov

It's already one year after Alvarez and my brother Zeref attack us. He has been rest in peace with his beloved our first master, Mavis.

Honestly, I have a secret that I in love with gray. His raven hair makes him so cute. I hope he feels the same way as me.

I walked to gray and smiled at him but he looking at me with a disgusting look.

"Hey gray how are you?" Asked me without the 'ice princess' word. "Natsu can you meet me outside the guild we need to talk" replied him.

I nodded and he starts speaking.

"because you, my life is sucked Natsu. I so regret not to kill you when Alvarez attacks us. I wish you perish Natsu. no one will ever love you!" shouted him.

I shocked

fine... it's- it's okay, ice Princess. bye " I said with tears on my face.

I run away to leave the guild and go to my house and crying out loud. "Why gray? Why you hate me *sob* *sob*?" And I fell to sleep on my bed with my broken tears.

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