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Scanning the crowds of people her eyes searched him out...wanting nothing more than to throw herself in his arms. Finally spotting him, she ran his way. Holding her cap as she jogged towards him the wind played with the loose tendrils that were escaping alone her neck.


He saw her before he heard her sweet voice. Watching as she maneuvered the crowds. She was so beautiful and she looked so carefree. He hoped she stayed that way...he wanted nothing more than for her to remember this day always as a happy moment, she should be proud, he was.

Sweeping her up into a hug he kissed her softly on the lips "Congratulations Dr. Grey" his eyes meeting hers as the outside world all but disappeared.

"Merdiff is a doctor now? Then who's going to take care of me?" Maddy asked tugging on the hem of Meredith's gown.

However before they had an answer the air was cut with the crispness as the voice of Ellis Grey broke in "Meredith..."

Meredith froze in his arms, all the insecurities and hurt seeping back into her body. Derek felt the change, he felt her shoulders slump her eyes falling to the ground as her breathing became deep and shallow almost as if in fear. He found his voice before her...

"Dr. Grey, I've read a lot about you...if must be an honor to know your daughter is following the same path of greatness" almost challenging her to say different.

"I'm sorry, you look awfully familiar..." Ellis asked scrutinizing him "do I know you?"

"Dr. Derek Shepherd, I'm the Neurology attending for Seattle Grace" extending his hand he shook hands with the woman he loathed...all in the name of peace for the woman who was slowly relaxing in his arms.

"Are you Merdiffs Mommy?" Maddy asked coming out from behind Meredith's leg.

Squinting her eyes at the child who stood before her Ellis nodded her head "yes I am Meredith's Mother...and who are you may I ask?"

"I'm Maddy silly everyone knows me...Merdiffs my new Mommy" smiling at the adult who stood in front of her she was unaware of the gasp of shock that was solicited from Meredith, or the loss of words that found Derek.

Ellis glanced over at her daughter...watching the emotions play across her face...shock was the most prominent...but pride slowly followed. At one time Ellis would have frowned in disapproval but that had only managed to push Meredith away. She had slowly came to realize over the year she was alone...and life was quickly passing by with no one to share it with.

Meredith didn't know exactly what to say, either to Derek nor her Mother...so far she hadn't even said hello...yet alone discuss Maddy's new Mommy issue. She opted to just rip the band aid off and start with the most painful.

"Why are you here Mom?"

Ellis turned her eyes to her only daughter. She had done it...she had pulled through and made it through med school...she never thought she'd be able to make it, she was sure Meredith was to soft....like her Father.

"I wanted to be here...for this" was all Ellis said.

Meredith knew her Mother well enough to know that the few and very simple words she had just spoken were hard enough...she wouldn't push for more.

"Well thank you...umm we are going back to Derek's for a small celebration...I mean if you would like to come" Meredith couldn't believe she was asking, but life felt like it was dealing her a new hand and she wanted to try to take advantage of it from all sides.

Nodding Ellis looked down at the small girl who was asking to be picked up by Meredith, it was uncanny how much she resembled Meredith...and how natural her daughter looked holding her. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, knowing she had wasted so many years with bitterness she followed behind what appeared to be her daughters new found family.

Making there way to their perspective vehicles Meredith could feel Derek's eyes on her the whole time, as well as Christina's once she got wind of Ellis joining them for dinner...she knew it might be awkward...but it had just come out...

Opening the door of the Land Rover she sat down, watching Derek as he buckled Maddy into her booster seat...watching his eyes scan over her...knowing he had something to say...but not wanting to say it.

As he took his place beside her, she watched as his hand placed the key in the ignition, his arm coming to rest behind her as he turned around to back out...she was on pins and needles and his lack of conversation was driving her nuts....

"Just say it...just ask me...Meredith what the hell were you thinking?"

Derek turned to face her, seeing that the presence of her Mother was finally setting in...opening his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by a laughing Maddy...

"Merdiff said a potty word Daddy...now you have to send her to her room for time out."

Meredith sat back in her seat watching the school disappear...all the while thinking to herself...if only it was that easy Maddy...if only it was that easy.

Pulling into the driveway Meredith glanced out her mirror and watched the cars pile in behind them. Her Mother's was leading the pack and as she watched her step out of her BMW, her hair perfect as well as her clothing...all the way down to the heals that clicked against the driveway as she walked up to the house examining...and Meredith was sure scrutinizing.

They gathered in the kitchen...Izzie and Meredith worked on setting up a makeshift buffet. She tried to keep busy, hustling around the kitchen. The eyes of her fellow friends watching her every step.

"Dude she didn't cook did she...because if she did I'm not eating."

"Shut up Alex, she's upset, her Mother's here...besides, I'm sure that Izzie wouldn't let her cook...I mean would she."

"Shut up Bambi...you too evil spawn. She has issues, she's dark and twisty...that's our Meredith...not Betty Crocker" Christina said as she popped a stuffed mushroom into her mouth.

Stopping in her tracks she glared at her friends "I can hear you, you realize that don't you."

"Now shut up and go mingle or something."

Meredith went back to placing different dishes on the island. She was stressed...she needed to calm her nerves before she came face to face with her Mother again. She needed something to help her relax...tequila maybe...no her Mother would smell that and just blast her for drinking so early in the day.

Pacing now, she stopped suddenly. She knew what would help...she knew what she needed. Spotting the source of her upcoming stress relief she walked up to him.

"You...now...upstairs...I need you." Meredith said as she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Derek stared wide eyed at the usually calm woman as she turned and headed up the stairs. Following her as she took the stairs two at a time...he couldn't help but wonder what was running through her head...

happy 4th of july guys!! i decided i'd post 5 more chapters today. as from now i can tell you it gets hectic from here.

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