Lesson 7: Advertising/Reads

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Do you ever feel like your story is way better than the ones on the What's Hot List? Or have you ever found yourself wishing that people would just give your story a chance without looking at the amount of reads it has?

I think most of us have.

But the question is, how do we get people to notice our stories? The answer is simple.


If you want feedback on your story, the 'Critiquing' club is definitely a good place to go. Lots of people are willing to give constructive criticism and help you with your story.

Another way to advertise is to read other people's stories and comment on them. In some scenarios, the author might be kind enough to leave a comment on your story in return. Hey, it's worth a try!

Note: If the story is really popular and has hundreds of comments, it's unlikely that the author will choose you specifically to return the favor to. I personally recommend choosing a story that doesn't have many reads, as your chances will be much higher of getting something in return.

The thing is, if people start reading your story and the reads begin to rise, then other people will notice and start reading as well. This may not happen in all cases, though.

Let's just say that advertising just isn't working. What else can you possibly do?

One, if you don't have a cover on your story, I recommend you check out the 'Book Cover' club and post a request regarding a cover. There are many talented people offering their services – for free! If you don't have a cover or if the one you have is not done nicely, then people might not take notice of your story.

A summary or book description! If you don't have a summary/book description, I recommend you write one or get someone else to do it for you. Most people want to know what your story is about before they read it.

Writing a good story is important. Try to write a unique story and give it an eye-catching title. It's also very important to make sure your grammar and spelling is correct, for a lot of people like to read polished, clean stories. If you have troubles with grammar and such, I recommend you find an editor in the 'Wattpad Editors' club.

NOTE: People have different preferences. Some people judge a book by the description, the title or the cover. Everyone is different. Everything written above is a suggestion, and may not be true in all cases or scenarios.

Tags! Including tags for your story will allow readers to refine their search and find your story! Make sure the tags are relevant to your story, of course. 


Don't overdo the advertising.

Don't spam on people's message boards or on their stories multiple times. It's rude. Would you like it if someone did that to you?

Only advertise where and when appropriate.

How To Write A Wattpad Story [A Guide To Becoming A Better Author]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें