Chapter Eleven - Revelations

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Chapter Eleven – Revelations

Adrian tossed the bait into the small lake and sat down beside Philip in a small folding chair.

It was the weekend and he was going fishing with Philip at Philip’s holiday house in the outskirts of the city. It used to be the three of them, Dad, Philip, him. But that was a long time ago.

Adrian turned his mind to present matters. He had many questions. About his uncle, about the bank. Maybe Philip would have some answers.

“Philip,” he began. “What kind of man is Senator Palmer?”

Philip turned to him in surprise. “Why do you ask?”

Adrian briefly told him of what happened at the car park at the golf course.

Philip furrowed his brow. “Well,” he paused, choosing his words. “Palmer has a reputation for negotiating deals for conglomerates.”

Adrian let that sink in. Philip was a lobbyist and Adrian had heard quite a bit about the job which included persuading politicians to support their cause.

“You’ve read about Varlowe dropping the bid for Newswire?” he asked.

Adrian nodded.

“It was Palmer who lobbied for approval in the government for Varlowe to buy Newswire in the first place,” Philip explained.

“Hmm, they’ve been saying Palmer is lobbying for another deal,” Philip added. “For Motrarity, if I’m not wrong. Motrarity seems to be wanting to expand into a new industry.”

Adrian frowned, remembering another piece of information Henry, his father’s right hand man, had told him recently.

“Henry told me that Dad had approved a loan to Newswire for it to avoid being a hostile takeover,” Adrian said slowly, thinking. “But Uncle James suddenly scrapped the loan.”

“And you say, a man from Palmer’s car met James,” Philip continued.

Suddenly, a link between the events clicked in his head.

Philip was frowning, concerned. “Varlowe must have had something to persuade James to overturn your father’s decision, especially when James is not in charge of the investment bank.”

“And Senator Palmer was the go between Varlowe and James,” Adrian added.

There was a pause as they contemplated the implications.

“What leverage would Varlowe have over James?” Adrian wondered aloud.

Philip sighed as he leant back in the chair. “I don’t know. But it can’t be good.”

“Well, how is Sophia?” Philip changed the subject.

“She’s fine,” Adrian replied. “Enjoying her work.”

They chatted about many things.


The light in the library was still on. Adrian could see it through the crack under the door. He pushed open the heavy door and peered in. Sophia was sitting cross-legged on the floor beside the sofa, poring over files.

“Do you really enjoy work that much?” he asked, entering the room.

Sophia jumped and looked up. “Very funny, Adrian.” She rolled her eyes, taking a sip of coffee.

“Seriously though, why are you up at,” Adrian glanced at the clock. “One on a Saturday morning?”

Sophia yawned. “I was just looking over some documents from the bank. Some numbers aren’t matching up and I’m getting cross-eyed from double and triple checking them.”

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