He raced over to me and somehow broke the cuffs from the bed. He picked me up and ran for the door. Jake grabbed his foot as he passed and we both tumbled to the ground. I smacked my head on the floor and everything went blurry. The last thing I saw was Jake stabbing Adam in the arm. Oh no, he stabbed him. I tried to get up but failed. I tried so hard to stay awake but I was too exhausted. When I woke back up I was in a hospital room. I was hooked up to an IV and was so thirsty. My throat felt like the Sahara desert. I looked around the room and saw my dad sleeping in a chair. My dad was here? I studied his face for a few minutes. He looked different. His face was tan and he looked slimmer. 

He rustled in his chair and opened his eyes. He hopped up and walked over to my side. "Grace, oh honey are you okay? A detective showed up and told me everything. Gracie, how could you not tell me? I've been worried sick, thinking you wouldn't wake up." I saw a tear glisten in his eye and I couldn't hold it in. My eyes started pouring and I embraced my dad. The first time in my life I ever truly felt loved by him. "I'm sorry dad. I was going to tell you everything when I came to pick up my stuff but..well we know why I didn't show up." I tried to reposition myself but a pain shot through my side. I tried again and same thing. What the hell happened to me. Not to mention I had a busting headache. Oh no, Adam. "Um, where is Adam? He's my boyfriend. The one fighting off Jake." My dad went to find a nurse and my mind raced. The only thing I could think of was that he was dead.

"Your boyfriend is stable but he has some pretty deep wounds. It looks like he will be ok." She smiled and left the room. Relief finally washed over me and I tried to relax. "Gracie, you want me to leave so you can get some rest? There's two police officers outside the door. Just in case." That must've meant Jake was still alive. Worry set in again. "No, please stay. I just need to shut my eyes for a little while longer and I'd feel safer if you were here." He squeezed my hand and smiled. "I'm getting a little hungry. You want something other than horrible cafeteria food?" I shook my head yes and he headed for the door. "Thanks for being here dad. You look good." He winked and walked out. I tried to shut my eyes but every time I did I saw Jake's horrible face. 

I saw my phone on the table next to the bed and wiggled over to it. I had three missed calls from Sarah and a text from her asking me if I was okay and to call her as soon as I could. I was too tired to even text her back. I laid there thinking about Adam, hoping he was okay. I can't believe this happened again. Now was even more confirmation that we had to move away from this toxic city. A nurse came in my room to check my IV and re dress my wound. Wait, my wound? Apparently I had fallen and cut my side on some glass. It was apparently a pretty deep cut. I also had a concussion and bruised ribs. I asked about Adam but she told me not much had changed. He was still unconscious.

My dad finally showed back up with burgers and fries. I ate that food like I hadn't had any in years. We sat and talked about my music and my apartment. I told him about Adam and how we were in love. He seemed really into what I was saying. It was weird, something was definitely different about him. "Gracie, I have something to tell you. I've been seeing Colleen from the bank in town. We've been going out for about six months now. It's real serious, she makes me happy." He gave me a sly smile and I smiled back. "That's really great dad. I'm so happy for you." I decided I was ok enough to stay by myself for a while. He had to get back to Colleen. 

I drifted off to sleep and had a horrible nightmare about Jake coming into my room and killing me. I woke up in a sweat and noticed it was still night. I hobbled out of my bed and opened the door to see if the coast was clear. I trotted down to Adam's room which was luckily not too far from mine. I opened the door and saw him lying there hooked up to so many different machines. This was far worse than what the nurse told me. I guess she didn't want to scare me. I cried as I held his hand. Seeing him this way, scared me to death. All of this was because of me. Because I trusted too easily. I kissed his hand and started talking to him about our future. What I envisioned for us anyway. Just as I was about to let go he squeezed my hand. "Adam? Are you awake?" He slowly opened his eyes and squinted. 

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