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Quackity's POV

Today is the day I ask Y/n to marry me! It's been 1 year and I hope she says yes. I'll get everyone to help me but for now I need to text everyone to go to the store with me and get everything I need! 

"Hey guys, I'm going to be asking Y/n to marry me so I need your all's help to get everything" Quackity texted the group

"Okay, when you asking her?" Tommy asked

"I don't know yet its according when we get eeverything ready" Quackity said

"Whos going to be with Y/n while we set up everything?" Wilbur said

"Uhh who wants to hangout with Y/n for the day" Quackity said

"Sapnap??" Tubbo said

"SAPANPP" Tommy said

"Okay okay I'll hangout with her but when" Sapnap said

"I'll text you all! George, Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy you help me set up everything and Sapnap you stay with Y/n for the day" Quackity texted

"Okay what time?" George asked

"Uhmm? Is 3pm good?" Quackity asked

"That sounds good" Wilbur texted

"Yep I'll get ready" Tubbo texted

I hope she says yes but I need to get ready to! After like 20 minutes of finding stuff to wear and waiting for everyone to text me they finally texted..

"I'm ready Big Q" Tommy texted

"I'm ready to" Tubbo texted

Everyone texted they are ready so I need to text Sapnap to go hangout with Y/n

"Sapnap text Y/n to hangout and everyone else go to the park I'll met you there" Quackity texted

"Okay!" Everyone texted

Sapnap's POV

Quackity told me to text Y/n to hangout while everyone sets up everything! 

"Hey wanna hangout today?" Sapnap texted

"Yeah sure where at?" Y/n texted

"Maybe at your house or mine?" 

"It don't matter" 


"Yeah come on over Wilbur and George is going to the park but I just wanna stay here and watch movies maybe stream"

"Okay can I be in it?" 

"Yeah ofc if I do" 

"Okay I'll be over in 5"

I walked to Y/n's house because I didn't feel like driving. When I got there I texted her I was here and she let me in

"Do you know if Quackity is okay he won't answer me back" Y/n said while letting me in

"Oh uh yeah he's okay he maybe asleep" Sapnap said

"Yeah well do wanna watch a movie?" 


We went to the living roomand watched a 1 hour movie. When the movie was done she asked if I wanna be in her stream! I said yes and went up to her room. 

"So I'm just going to be playing MineCraft but with Ranboo if you wanna play you can" Y/n said

"No its fine I can stay in here" Sapnap said


Y/n set up her stream while I was on my phone! 

"Okay ready" Y/n asked

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