Getting Bullied

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Y/n's POV

My timer went off and I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After I got done brushing my teeth I got dressed for school. I wore (whatever you want to wear) and went I George's room and Wilbur's...

"George? You awake yet?" Y/n said

"Yeah, I was about to go downstairs to make us breakfast!" George said

"Okay, I'm going to see if Wilbur is up" I said while going into George's room to give him a hug

I walked out of George's room and went to Wilbur's door

"Wilbur you up?" Y/n said

"Yeah, I was about to go downstairs and eat breakfast is George up?" Wilbur said

"Okay, yes he's up" Y/n said

I went to my room and got my phone and went downstairs to wait for everyone! I got a text from the group saying goodmorning to everyone. Everyone said goodmorning including me! Tommy wrote back saying, "Y/n, I know we have been telling you that we promise that you won't get bullied that day but you have! We was just trying to help you stay calm and not worry about them. We heard that Chris was moving to yours and Quackity's classroom today! He lied and said he was getting bullied so he can come and bully you! Not to you worry or anything but so that you are prepaired and ready! Quackity told us that he was always there for you when this happens. He will be there today, see you all at school!"

I ready the text and got even more worried about how theres gonna be 2 bullied instead of one everyday now! I started to cry so hard George and Wilbur came downstairs to see if I was okay..

"Y/n, are you okay? What happend?" Wilbur and George said

"Tommy texted the group and said Chris was moving to my classroom so now my 2 bullies are going to be in my same class everyday. You already know how bad 1 bully is for me so now theres going to be dubble that amount!" Y/n said while crying

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Y/n I don't know what to say... Quackity told us how he was there for you everytime you got bullied! Please text me if something happens and I will come and beat them soooo hard even if Mrs. Hope is there. I'll make sure she knows what actul happend this whole time!" George said while hugging me

"Yeah, I'm sorry Y/n!" Wilbur said

"Your right, Quackity has been there for me. He's a really good friend of mine! I know he will protect me so will you all.. Wilbur, I'll text you to so you can beat one of them to!" Y/n said while backing away from the hug to give Wilbur a hug

"Okay, I'll come and help while Quackity makes sure your okay and away from Jorden and Chris!" Wilbur says while hugging me back

"Y/n, don't worry this time because you'll have 2 people besting up 2 people and you have someone to keep you safe! Go to the bathroom and get fixed up while I make breakfast!" George said while smiling and kissing my forhead

I went to the bathroom and got fixed up while George made breakfast! I came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen table to eat my breakfast with George and wilbur.

"Thank you all for being there for me even all my friends! Wilbur, I know your not my brother only our roommate but you have acted like my brother. I love you all so much!" Y/n says

"Awee thank you, your welcome and you act like my sister! I love you more" Wilbur says

"Your welcome anything for my best sister ever. I love you more more" George said

We all smiled and finished breakfast. We put out plates in the sink and George got his keys and left.. Wilbur sat in the back with me to make sure I was ready for today! We all talked until we got to the school. We all got out of the car and George locked the doors. I saw my friend group so me and Wilbur went over cause that's his friend group aswell!

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