Bad Mood

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to my timer going off! I got out of bed and texted the group goodmorning and went to my bathroom. I put makeup on, got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen to see George and Wilbur!

"Oh goodmorning, we woke up before you so we could get breakfast done" George said

"Oh okay goodmorning" Y/n said

I walked over to the table and said goodmorning to Wilbur.

"Goodmorning" Y/n said

"Goodmorning" Wilbur said

"So you going to worry about today or are you gonna be okay?" Wilbur said looking up from his phone

"Well I wasn't gonna worry but I just remembered Jorden saying he's gonna beat up Quackity so they could get to me. But why?" Y/n said

"Because they posted about beating up Y/n today. But if you need George he's gonna be there so don't worry!" Wilbur said 

"Okay! Thanks" Y/n said

George brung our breakfast to the table and ate it. We cleaned up our mess and went to to the car!

"Don't worry today Y/n I'll come inside with you." George said

"Okay, can Wilbur come to" Y/n said

"Sure!" George said

We got out of the car and went to our favorite hangout spot. (Only Y/n and Wilbur did) 

"Guys in you all don't care we are all gonna go with Y/n to her class because Jorden threaten Y/n and me" Quackity said

"But you know how striked our teacher is" Tubbo said

"Tubbo I don't want Y/n getting hurt. She's had so many stories she told me about her life and I feel bad for her. We need to help her okay?" Quackity said

"But I'm going to get in trouble and fail school" Tubbo said

"Don't worry about that Tubbo." Tommy said

"Okay fineee. Helping our friends is more important" Tubbo said

"Yes now let's talk for a while until the bell rings and we can go" Quackity said

Bell Rings jdhsbjBJSaf 

"Okay let's go! Tommy and Tubbo you get on mine and Y/n's sides, Wilbur you get behind us and I'll stand beside Y/n" Quackity said

"Okay" Everyone says

We walked in to see Jorden and Chris waiting for me and Quackity! We ignored them trying to go to our seats! 

"Don't even think about messing with them Jorden" Wilbur said

"I'll mess with whoever I want to mess with" Jorden said

"Try and I'll come beat you up myself" Wilbur said

Jorden rolled his eyes and went back to his seat not knowing he was gonna hurt me and Quackity..

Thankfully we got to our seats but right after everyone left Jorden came to us and said...

"Looks like your friends are gone now we can beat you up" Jorden said

"No you won't. You have to go through me first" Quackity says while standing up 

I texted everyone to come back in and they replied saying okay! 

Before I could look back up I saw Wilbur pulling Jordens shirt back making sure he woudn't hit us.

"I said don't mess with them" Wilbur said 

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