At school

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Y/n's POV still

My timer goes off and I wake up to get ready and Quackity is still laying in bed so I try to wake him up so we don't be late and so we can met up with our friend group! He's soo cute when he sleeps but we gotta get up anyway!

"Quackity wake up we have to go to school" Y/n said

"Okay! Oh I'm sorry I didn't know we was cudding" Quackity said

"Oh it's okay I was to tired anyway." Y/n said

"Okay" Quackity said 

I forgot to take a shower before school yesterday oops I'll just take one now and I'll wear ummm I feel cold today so Imma just wear a hoodie, ripped jeans put a little mascara on aswell as a messy bun okay I'm done taking my shower and now Imma put on everything! Okay Imma check on Quackity to see if he's dressed. As I walk in my room I see him putting on him shoes!

"I was just checking on you to make sure you was up" Y/n said

"Yeah I'm up goodmorning" Quackity said

"Goodmorning" Y/n said

"Let's go eat breafast! But Imma check on George and Wilbur because I always do" Y/n said

"Okay I'll be in the kitchen" Quackity said

"Okay" Y/n said

"George? You awake?" Y/n said while knocking on the door but not loud

"Yeah come in" George said

"Goodmorning Quackity is in the kitchen waiting for us" Y/n said

"Okay, goodmorning to" George said while smiling and hugging me

I hugged him back while smiling

"I'll be in the kitchen tovmake you all breafast okay?" George said

"Okay" Y/n said

"Wilbur you up?" Y/n said

"Yeah I'm coming to eat breakfast" Wilbur said

"Okay!" Y/n said

I walk downstairs to see Quackity on his phone sitting down at the kitchen table

"George is gonna make breafast after he's done getting ready" Y/n said

"Okay" Quackity said

We sat down until George came and made breakfast and Wilbur came downstairs

"Okay what do you all want to eat?" George said

"Can you make (whatever you want)?" Y/n said

"Yeah sure does Quackity and Wilbur want it to?" George said

"Yeah sure that's fine" Quackity and Wilbur said

"Okay!" George said

As I was scrolling through twitter I just got a tiny tiny flashback from when Jorden tripped me in class. I put my phone down and put my hands on my face so no one can see that I was tearing up scared to go to school!

You okay Y/n?" Quackity asked

"O-oh y-yeah I'm f-fine" I said while hiding my face and sniffing a little

"Y/n, what's wrong really?" Quackity said

"Nothing w-why" I said while sniffing and running to the bathroom to fix my mascara because I was crying

I came out the bathroom and run to hug George and cry even more

"Y/n why are you crying?" George said

Quackity x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin