I pulled up to his house to find the driveway full. I parked on the side of the road, helped Melody out of her car seat, and grabbed my stuff. As we walked to the door, I gave myself a pep talk in my head. You've done way worse than this. Brian's family was stuck up and awful but there is no way Reid's family is like that. He's a cool guy and his siblings are in a famous band. No way they are not cool.

I took a breath to steady myself before I knocked on the door. An absolute giant of a man covered in tattoos answered. I immediately recognized him as Reid's brother Dean, the drummer for Disaster's Calling. I hadn't realized just how intimidating he would be in person. "Uh, who are you?" He asked.

"Her name is Olive and I'm Melody, Dumb-Dumb." Melody sassed.

"Melody! You can't be calling people Dumb-Dumb." I scolded her.

"Well, he should be rude when he opens the door then!" She answered.

Dean just laughed as he knelt down holding out his fist, "I'm Reid's brother Dean, but you can call me Dumb-Dumb anytime Princess."

Melody just rolled her eyes but did give him his fist bump. "My name's Melody not Princess Dumb-Dumb."

A very pregnant blonde woman came up and put her hand on Dean's shoulder. "I'm sorry Dumb-Dumb here is not known for his manners. I'm his wife Kim. Please come in, Reid's at the barbeque. Ooh, are those cookies? You're officially in my good book."

I laughed as the pregnant woman led us through the house, waddling the entire way, to the backyard that was full of people hanging out.

"Olive! Melody!" Reid called out. I looked over to Reid as he shut the barbeque lid. God, he was handsome. His too-tight light blue t-shirt paired with a pair of perfectly fitting khaki shorts. Yes please. Sign me up.

"Reid!" Melody ran over to give him, and he scooped her up in his arms before resting her on his hip. She laughed as her feet left the ground and wrapped her good arm around Reid while her broken one laid against his chest. I swear, my ovaries just exploded.

"Melody, there is someone I want you to meet." Reid said as he walked over to his sister, "Melody, this is my sister Rebecca. Rebecca this is Melody."

"Hi. You're a pretty good singer." Melody said.

"Only pretty good?" Rebecca laughed, thankfully not getting offended by Melody. The sass was on another level today. I think my mom gives her sass lessons to get back at me because she's always extra sassy after leaving my mom's.

"Yep. Mama is better. She could be a princess, but you look more like Ariel. She's my favourite. Mama looks more like Belle." Melody answered.

"Okay Melody." I jumped in to save myself from any more embarrassment, "Why don't you go play with Will?"

"Fine." She sighed. Reid put her down and she went to go play with Will. I let out a deep breath. I just hoped that was the worst of it.

Reid came over and leaned in close, "You look amazing Olive." Reid whispered. I had to look down to remember what I was wearing because the second his lips touched my ear, my mind went blank.

"Thanks. Sorry about Melody. Her sass meter is off the charts today. She called your brother Dumb-Dumb and told him off for being rude."

Reid barked out in laughter as Dean and Kim came over. "I totally deserved it. Melody seems like a fun kid." Dean said.

"Oh, just you wait. She's got as much attitude as a teenager. I am not excited for when she turns thirteen."

"She's so cute though!" Kim said, "It's nice to see that Will has a friend here too. I worry about him being lonely."

"They really seem to get along. Melody took him right under her wing when they first met." Reid said. If I didn't know any better, I would say there was a hint of pride in his voice.

"So who is this beautiful woman?" A man I recognized as Adam, guitar player for Disaster's Calling and notorious playboy, said. I felt Reid's hand go to my waist as if marking his territory. Kim slapped him on the back of the head, hard. "Ow! That hurt!"

"That's Olive! As in Reid's Olive. The one Will likes." Kim said. I guess Reid had been talking about me with them.

"Ooh. My bad. I'm just going to go before I fuck up worse." He earned another slap to the back of the head from Kim for swearing. It was hard to suppress the giggles.

"Don't worry about it." I looked down in embarrassment and realized I was still holding the cookies I brought. "Oh Reid, is there a place I can put these?"

"Yes, follow me. You really didn't have to bring anything." He said as he led me inside.

"I'm a nervous baker. I figured I might as well bring them."

"That's adorable." We walked into the kitchen where we were completely alone. He took the plate from me, putting the cookies on the counter. He looked over my shoulder at something before pressing his lips to mine in a hungry kiss. It had been two days since I felt his lips against mine and that is way too long. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth as his tongue played with mine. He pulled away with a groan. "Moaning like that is going to make it hard for me to resist you."

"Then you shouldn't kiss me like that."

He gave me a soft kiss before stepping away from me. Before he could say anything more, the front door opened revealing an older man and woman. Reid's face lit up as he walked over to them. "Hey! I didn't think you could make it?" Reid said as he hugged the woman.

"We wouldn't miss it for anything sweetheart!" She said. She was beautiful with blonde hair flecked with streaks of white. There was something carefree about her, "You look so happy here!"

"I think it might have something to do with the young woman in the kitchen." The man said with a knowing smile on his face. He also wore his hair long like Reid, only his was grey. I could see tattoos running down his right arm.

All three of them turned to me. I blushed as I raised my hand to wave. "Hi, I'm Olive."

"I'm Sarah, Reid's mom and this is my husband Evan."

"So how do you know our son?" I knew he wasn't Reid's biological dad, apparently that guy was a total man whore, but it was sweet that his stepdad cared about him.

"We met at the park." I answered, "Will was feeling nervous about not knowing anyone so I introduced him to my daughter Melody."

"Oh, you have a daughter too?" Sarah asked, her eyes twinkling as she spoke. She was excited that I had a kid.

"Yes, she's outside playing with Will right now."

"How cute! I can't wait to meet her! I'm going to go outside and see the little ones!" She gave my shoulder a squeeze before she went off to the backyard. I watched Will run across the yard to give her a big hug. She must be a pretty amazing grandma to Will.

"So, Olive, what do you do?" Evan asked, pulling my attention from the kids.

"Oh, I'm just a secretary."

"Nothing's wrong with that. We've all got to make a living. I had a construction business before I retired. It was a dirty business, but it paid the bills."

Daisy came and poked her head into the kitchen, "Hi Evan! So Reid, Jack just texted that they are on their way. Osiris was late waking up from his nap."

"Okay, the burgers are almost done. Can you put out the condiments while I finish up? We'll be good to go by the time they get here." Reid asked Daisy.

"I can help. Just point me where you need me." I said. Reid gave me a grateful smile before he went out to the barbeque. Lincoln and Jack arrived with their son Osiris who was three. He was absolutely adorable. Melody and Will played with him while the adults all talked and drank. It was nice being in a large family. I was an only child, and none of my friends were as close as this except for maybe Tessa. It was amazing to be a part of. 

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