Chapter Five- I Bet My Life

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This chapter shows how close Leah and Bianca are, so that's why I put Leah's picture on the side!

The song on the side fits perfectly in this chapter because the lead singer of Imagine Dragons said it's about his parents... Ta da, I'm a genius!

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter Five- I Bet My Life

The soft sand caressed my toes as I buried them deeper into the grains. Excitement flooded my body as I stared out into the ocean, my back towards the town behind me. I was waiting for my dad. He promised me he would teach me how to swim in the ocean. Although I had lived in the same area since I was born, I was too scared to go fully into the water, resulting in me never learning how to swim. He told me to wait by the boulder, our boulder while he was working and then he would drive to our spot on the beach and teach me.

The boulder towered over a large part of the sectioned off beach. I often doodled on the front of it with chalk with him, and we'd wait for the waves to erase the markings away.

"A clean slate," He would say and make my frown disappear. "Time for new creations!" And we would draw for hours.

A cruise ship came into my sight and my eyes widened. It was so beautiful. I was vaguely aware that cruise ships lit up so they were more beautiful at night, but this one shined in the daylight. It was like a giant, white city decided to float into the water, similar to an island. I had to squint my eyes to see it properly; the glare of the sun didn't help.

I pushed my hair back with sticky fingers due to the salt water that lathered them. It was a bad idea to splash my hands in the water as a wave came up and touched the boulder, but it was so tempting.

The cruise ship let out a loud noise and I jumped in surprise. The sound wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't horrible. Even though the ship was mirroring the horizon, I waved my hand in greeting. My eight year old self didn't realize that they probably couldn't hear me.

My thoughts drifted towards my new baby sister-Leah. She was only a year old, but the day mom and dad brought her home was my favorite. She had big blue eyes and blonde hair, and didn't look like me at all. She waddled like a penguin often making me chuckle. I loved her so much.

I looked up towards the sun and wondered where my dad was. He was taking an awfully long time getting to our spot.

A loud bang, almost like a crash, resonated from the town, a few miles away from where I was leaning against the boulder. I didn't pay it any attention. It was odd, but my eyes were transfixed on the cruise ship so I didn't bother thinking too much about it.

I waited and waited and waited by the boulder. The cruise ship had left my vision's radius hours ago. It was getting dark and with a huff, I walked back home. It was hard to believe that my dad forgot about his promise to teach me how to swim, so I had a plan in mind: I'd go home and tell him he owes me ice cream, and I would bring Drake with us because he was my best friend. The plan was perfect.

I was oblivious to the absence of my mom and dad as I reached the familiar yellow colored house. I came home to the neighbor taking care of Leah and my eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

I never learned how to swim.


I woke up with my mouth wide open in preparation for a scream but it never came. I should have been used to the memories that wormed their way into nightmares, but the shock never lessened.

Someone knocked on my door and opened it before I could say anything. My sweet little Leah came in and sat next to me. She was wearing pink pajamas that had little sheep on them.

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