Chapter Three- Mango Ice Cream

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Picture on the side is Lucy, also known as the beautiful Jennifer Morrison!

It's a long chapter, hope you enjoy!

Please remember that Bianca's character is taking time to develop... she's unstable at times, just like any human being would be in her place. She isn't perfect and this isn't a perfect romance story. :)

Chapter Three- Mango Ice Cream

Although I have a hard time with honesty, I couldn't lie my way out of the promise I made to Lucy and Drake. I'd, unfortunately, have to go to Mike's Ice Cream Shop and that meant leaping out of my comfort zone. It was terrifying to say the least.

After school I waited by Drake's locker so that we could meet up and then walk together to the shop, where Lucy said she'd meet us.

I was a very observant person so my gaze traveled from one person to another as they hustled by me, running toward their bus or fast-walking it home. The hallway slowly started to clear and that was when I started looking around the halls, trying to find those familiar warm brown eyes.

"Boo," and I jumped.

"You piece of shit!" I shrieked, completely forgetting that this wasn't how I usually acted. They scared me though, so it seemed understandable.

"Woah she swears too?" I recognized that voice anywhere. Adam. He chuckled and I narrowed my eyes. I needed to act more like myself. He was already getting to me, and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let someone else in. They might die and leave me just like dad did.

"Yeah." My voice was cold taking him by surprise. I saw concern flash through his eyes but my harsh demeanor didn't change. I had to do this. I just had to.

"Is everything alright?" He took a step forward and I took a step back. I looked behind him and saw Drake and felt relief swallow my body.

"Yep." I quickly replied. I knew I seemed like a bitch, but if that's what it took to keep my distance from Adam then I'd do it. I really didn't want to act like this. I was beginning to enjoy his presence and he made me feel light, happy. But I forbid myself of getting attached ever again, so this had to be done.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, pretty girl," Drake smiled, not realizing that Adam was still there. I assumed it was because he knew how I didn't talk to anyone besides him and Lucy so he probably thought Adam wasn't talking to me earlier.

I gave him a soft smile, still feeling horrible about how I treated the handsome green-eyed man in front of me. His eyes captured my soul and that's when I knew I had to keep my guard up.

Drake knew right away something was wrong so he looked at Adam and his posture changed. It became protective, guarded. I internally smiled-leave it to one of my oldest friends to act like this.

Adam noticed this and straightened up, eyeing Drake carefully. His green eyes calculated Drake's brown ones and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

I pulled on Drake's hand so he would notice me and I nodded off toward the front doors, mentally telling him I wanted to leave. He got the message and started walking off.

"Bianca?" I barely heard him, but I knew I had to turn around and look at him. My mind was telling me to leave as soon as possible yet my heart was screaming the opposite.

"I don't know what I did wrong..." He was scrunching his eyebrows together and I could tell he was seriously wondering what he was doing. He looked so cute, I wanted to tell him it's just me and how fucked up I was, but I couldn't. Oh, Adam. "But I'm sorry." His deep, masculine voice cut through my train of thoughts and I almost broke. I didn't understand why it was so painful. I usually had an easy time ignoring someone and being harsh about it, so what was different this time?

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