Chapter One- Nameless Statue

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Chapter One- Nameless Statue

My long brown hair hit my face like a bullet due to the wind that signaled an oncoming thunderstorm. It felt good. The salt from the sea slapped my cheeks and some grains were so powerful that they stayed stuck to my skin for a few moments. I didn't move a muscle since I arrived at my spot. My spot. It was next to a boulder that once stood tall but crumbled slowly due to the pounding waves that overrode it at night. I related to it. I was the boulder. The waves signified the death of my father and each passing day after that although it felt like I was crumbling much faster. I stared out into the ocean, watching the beautiful glint of the water. It mesmerized me how the waves never stopped forming. They were always there. One after the other.

I was completely lost in my thoughts that I never noticed the added amount of sand hitting me. My eyebrows furrowed with curiosity but not enough to make me turn around. The sand was hitting me in the opposite direction of the wind, so it was hitting my back. How strange, I thought.

"Are you seriously ignoring me?"

My head whipped around so fast, I cracked my neck.

Fuck that hurts.

"Oh, sorry." He said. There wasn't a hint of remorse.

I opened my mouth to reply, but no sound came out. I barely spoke nowadays, so I should have been expecting the resistance my voice box demanded.

Squinting to get the salt away from my eyelashes, my eyes scanned the boy in front of me. Well, he wasn't a boy, but the way he hit my back with the sand made him seem like one. I noticed he was the sand-kicker by the way his leg was positioned, as if he was readying himself for another kick.

"Most people talk by now. Can't speak? Is it my jaw-dropping looks?"

I frowned, already disliking him. Oh please.

He looked to be around eighteen-my age. I wouldn't know for sure, since I never ventured out far from my home and school besides going to the beach, and that helped with my hatred for socializing. Socializing led to attachment which led to love and love was temporary, before it died. Just like the love I had for my father before he died. 

Shaking my head to rid the thoughts of him, I focused in on his physical attributes. I hadn't talked to many boys, only when I was a kid, but I knew what good looking was and he was definitely that. His hair was ruined due to the wind, but he didn't care. It was brown like chocolate, fitting perfectly with his green eyes; the color of grass. Beautiful, dewy grass. It was simply precious. His sharp jaw looked as if it was chiseled to perfection.

Bringing my eyes down away from his face I quickly noticed his body. He was shirtless which made sense since we were on the beach, but he still looked out of place. Or maybe it was just my vision. My refusal to believe this was actually happening. He had perfect skin, with matching abs. I counted six, and two more that seemed to be hidden but tried to become noticeable. He was wearing dark blue shorts; the color of the water that I adored so dearly. Some of the sunlight that passed through the clouds gleamed off of his skin. He wasn't tan like I was, so I assumed he wasn't around beaches a lot.

He was strange. Different. So unexpected, I was stunned.

"Thanks for checking me out? Can you not talk at all?" His light pink lips moved with each letter, showing the pure white teeth behind them which were perfectly straight. Summing up his appearance, some would say perfect. Judging his personality from the few words he has said so far, most would say demanding. Cocky, too.

"Um..." I didn't know what to say. How do I respond? I only ever talked to my sister and two friends, with the few exceptions of my mother who decided to make appearances every once in a while.

His eyes widened with sarcasm. "Oh, she has a voice!" He came closer but stayed put when he noticed my cringe. I hated interaction even more, unless it was forced, like during school. But even then, no one tried to talk to me. They knew I despised talking, so they stayed away from me. Just how I liked it. This excluded my two friends, of course. With them I didn't mind the interaction. However, he was different. His curious gaze was directed straight at me.

"Hi. I'm Adam," He smiled, his teeth glimmering in the few rays of the sunlight. My hair flew around me even more now due to the darkening skies.

After a few minutes, he coughed. A fake cough, the thought popped into my head. Why?

The boy named Adam came closer, disregarding my stony posture.

"You look like a statue," he chuckled and sat down a few feet away from me. Kicking his legs out so they rested upon the cooling sand, he moved his gaze towards me. "Well, what's your name?" His eyes traveled down my body which was covered in a drab red tank-top, evidently destroyed by hours and hours of harsh sun beams directed to the once rich color. I was wearing blue shorts, though they reached mid-thigh and weren't the color of the ocean like his, but the color of the morning sky. I wasn't wearing shoes. I never did at the beach. They felt restricting, and the sand reminded me of freedom. I spent most of my time off running up and down the large strip of land. It was somewhat of a big beach, but this part was hidden by sparse trees so I was drawn to it. I ran along the larger part of the beach in the early mornings, usually before everyone in town woke up and ruined the peaceful world with car noises.

His eyes focused on my toned legs and I felt something weird on my cheeks. They were warm. Warm?

"Aw, the nameless statue can blush!" He cooed. Nameless statue? What a sweet name.

Getting annoyed with his continuous looks, I looked up and blinked a few times before analyzing the sky. The wind turned more violent, and the sun quickly disappeared behind dark, blackened clouds. Another beautiful storm.

I knew I had to leave before it rained. My sister would worry, and I couldn't let that happen. I loved the thunder and the way the waves crashed against each other when it stormed. Nature turned chaotic, yet even more beautiful than the peaceful constant. But I could never stay and watch.

I stood up, alarming the boy next to me who didn't expect the "statue" to move. For some reason, I smiled at his jumpy state, earning a smile from him too.

"The nameless statue has a beautiful smile," and my cheeks got warmer. How is that possible?! I wondered. "Where are you going?" He asked.

Choosing to ignore that question, I took a step away from him and toward the boardwalk. I noticed he watched my every move.

"Bianca." I stated when I turned around and looked at him. Smiling softly, I turned back around and walked quickly back to the street that eventually led up to my house. Not my home, my house. There was a clear difference. It stopped being a home long ago.

"I'll be seeing you around, Bianca!" I heard him shout from where we were sitting just a few seconds earlier. I kept my head down and continued walking over the boardwalk and across the street, making my way to the crossing road that ran by my house.

I hope so, Adam, and smiled at the thought.

I imagined Adam to be the man on the side, the handsome Liam Hemsworth. Of course you can imagine our Adam to be whomever, but Liam came to mind as I was writing, so yeah! And the gorgeous Marie Avgeropoulos plays Bianca, so there you have it! Thanks for reading--let me know what you think!

My MiracleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant