Chapter Four- The Cruise Ship

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This was hard to write... but I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think of this chapter and the story so far.

Chapter Four- The Cruise Ship

The beach was quiet besides the soft crash of the waves. I looked up towards the sky and was met with a beautiful sight. The pitch black sky was lit up with stars. The moon was my main source of light and I felt at peace. I was being selfish at the moment because I wasn’t at the house with Leah but I needed this time to be alone. I needed this time to think.

I laid against my boulder and let the water touch my feet, sometimes a strong one reached my thighs and I’d gasp in surprise. The sand was cold and slightly damp, feeling great against my skin. I had taken off my leather jacket from earlier today, took off my boots, and my skinny jeans. I was laying down in just my tank top and underwear. It didn’t feel strange at all because I was always alone and I was very close to the house so it wasn’t a problem.

My thoughts went over today. I had changed. I could feel it. I was still guarded but I let it break a bit, and I was surprised it felt so good. I didn’t know whether to let myself be happy again for good or remain closed off. Drake was right; my father would never want this for me. But I couldn’t help it. I was afraid that if I ever let someone in, they’d get hurt and die and I’d be alone again.

But today felt so great. I laughed, I smiled, and I hung out with my two friends. I felt happy. I hadn’t had ice cream in ages, and I missed the flavor. Lucy looked happier, and Drake looked elated. He knew it was hard for me to be my old self but seeing him so happy made me want to keep my guard down. It made me want to stop being afraid.

Then there was Adam. At first I was intrigued by him, attracted to him. He definitely made me interested but I had to realize what was going on. I couldn’t let him in because I was afraid. I already let Lucy in and I didn’t have a choice with Drake, and I was thankful both of them were in my life… but could I trust someone else? Someone I actually started liking more than a friend?

I tried to be mean to him, I tried to make him stop being friendly with me. I didn’t want to. I started to enjoy talking to him, I loved how I felt when I was with him. I didn’t even know his last name and I had developed such strange feelings for him!

Drake was right, though. I should let him in. I was fighting my heart and my mind. My mind told me to keep him out, or else he’d get hurt and I’d lose him. But my heart persuaded me to let him in, to build something with him… to see what would happen with us.

I grabbed my hair in frustration and let out an angry sigh.

“Bianca?” I shrieked and looked at the person who said my name.

The moonlight glinted off of his hair and made his green eyes shine more in the dark than in the daylight. He was wearing a white shirt with black shorts, and he looked so good. After controlling my heartbeat I realized how handsome he really was.

“Shit, sorry. I do that a lot, don’t I?” He apologized sincerely but gave me a sheepish smile at the end.

“It’s okay,” I was well aware that my legs were completely bare. My cheeks warmed up instantly when I looked at him and saw that his eyes traveled down my body and he coughed, looking shy.

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