Quest Granting Wizard: Luz x Fem!Reader

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Luz POV:

Eda the Owl Lady has just ordered me to deliver a bunch of potions, my first task as a witch apprentice! My best friend and crush Y/n L/n had been sent with me, along with the little cutie patootie King! 

(Time skip because "Please have witchy clothes, please have witchy clothes!")

After a long day of delivering and discovering that this whole 'fantasy' world isn't as wonderful as I thought it would be, me, Y/n and King ended up sitting on a curb. I was looking ahead of me and Y/n was just looking around and King was eating something called a Not Dog. After he was done chowing down he proceeded to say "I know I've had enough delight for one day."

"I thought being the only humans in a magical world would make us special but apparently it just makes everyone want to scream at us or-" I start while lifting my arm up to reveal a butterfly type thing chewing on my arm "eat us." I try to shake it off unsuccessfully so I just wack it off and grunt. "At this point, Azura had already been sent on an enchanted quest." I continue, holding up my book opened to a page with Azura and a Quest Granting Wizard. "Where's our Quest Granting Wizard?" I ask which causes Y/n to put her hand on my shoulder and smile at me softly, she doesn't seem to mind but I do! We're supposed to be special! But we're just endangered or seen as weird out here. "Sorry to break it to you Luz but no one here is that well dressed." King says, bouncing off of my previous statement. I collect the sack together and get up, I hoist the sack to my shoulder and offer Y/n a hand up, I walk off and say "this has been a rough day." while looking at a piece of paper that has our last delivery destination written on it, "lets just deliver this last package and go home." Y/n says while walking with me. "Maybe this world just isn't what we thought it wo-" Y/n begins but is cut off by me gasping.

Y/n POV:

I'm cut off by a fantastic gasp from Luz. My head quickly snaps to her as I think something bad must have happened, but no, we were right in front of a huge castle. "Pretty..." I hear Luz mutter as her mood completely changes from sad to the happiest I've seen her since the day started. She rings the beautiful, gold doorbell, the button appeared to be some sort of gem, it was beautiful unlike the horrible doorbells we have been made to ring previously that simply try to eat our arms off. The doors magically open with no one opening and I smile and look at Luz who has a look of wonder and amazement in her eyes and a smile sprawled across her face. "Big houses always belong to big wackjobs, let's kick the package inside and get outta here." King says rolling his eyes, but Luz, with no hesitation, just walks inside. I trail closely behind her as I also want to see what this unfolds. "Hello?" Luz calls out and King runs in saying "hey! Wait!" the doors slam behind him which startles him. "W-We're delivering a package from Miss Eda... the Owl Lady?" Luz says, trying to see through the darkness. Her comment is then followed by the lighting of the lamps all around the room, but no one there to have lighted them. The ones above us with each row of books started to light around us, then showing a doorway and a picture above it with a wizard on it! A wizard that looks exactly like the one on the picture walked out of the doorway. Luz gasps in excitement and says "today just got good!" it upset me a little that she hadn't been enjoying herself before, because even though we met some strange people and creatures and a number of things that wanted to eat us, I was still spending the time with her... did she not enjoy the time with me? Luz stared in amazement "magical wizard!" she exclaimed. King had his arms crossed "weird old man in jim jams." he said. He was right... sort of, I wouldn't describe the 'wizard' quite like that but still, something about him didn't sit right with me. I grabbed Luz's arm, "hey Luz? We should get out of here, we're just here to deliver a package and something about him doesn't seem right." she turned to look at me confused "what do you mean? This is the Quest Granting Wizard we've been waiting for!" she exclaimed, the glimmer of excitement in her eyes, she yanked her arm out of my hand and this made me upset "you mean you've been waiting for!" I snapped, she stopped hopping around in excitement and got out her Good Witch Azura Book, she turned to face me once more "no, us! remember?" she opened the book to the first page where we had both written our names and my heart sank remembering how it was when she wasn't so obsessed with getting a quest, when we weren't here. "This whole time I've just wanted to spend some time in the magical land we dreamed about with my best friend! Not chase after some fantasy life that's never going to come true!" I yell and I can tell the words I spoke hurt her. Tears start to form in her eyes which make tears form in mine, she slams her book shut which makes me flinch a little "well then I guess there's no point in you being here then." she says as she turns back around, putting the Good Witch Azura Book away. "W-What?"      "leave!" she screams. I run out hoping King will follow me but he stays with Luz. There's no point me staying here anymore. This isn't the Luz I love.

A/n: I decided to do this kind of based off of episode 2 of The Owl House but add a weird twist at the end, hope ya'll like it!

Owl House x Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें