Jealousy Part 2: Luz x Fem!Reader

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Y/n POV:

"Wait! Please!" I called out. I can't lose her. No, no! I just can't! She stopped and held her posture up, she turned to me and wiped the tears streaming down her face but more came. She looked up at me but I could tell it was a struggle for her to even look me in the eye "why?" she asked. I hesitated at the question, I didn't do anything, I mean I didn't mean to do anything. "I-I didn't mean to, it just shocked me, I promise Luz I would never to anything! Please! Just don't leave me!" I screamed and collapsed onto the floor. I hate myself. Tears started streaming down my face almost making a pool at my knees. I started shaking, why did I even go with Boscha? I should've waited for Luz! This is all my fault!

Luz POV:

She collapsed onto the floor and started crying harder than I've ever seen anyone cry before. I freaked out. What have I done? At the end of the day she didn't actually do anything. I ran to her and kneeled down next to her wiping her tears and pulling her close to me. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm awful! I'm so sorry!" she screamed into me. Those words shattered my heart and I just hugged her tighter, "please don't say that, you didn't do anything! I was just jealous, scared you would pick her over me!" I started crying too. I took her to the bathroom as the bell was about to go and the halls would be filled. I cleaned her up and clutched onto her, I wasn't letting go, not after what I did. Luckily our next class we had together and we sat together. I held her hand the whole time, only letting go if I absolutely had to.

(Time skip because "Why would I eat a potential customer?")

Y/n POV:

After class, Luz helped me pack away all my stuff and proceeded to walk me to my next class, even though we didn't have it together. She was reluctant to leave me but knew she had to. She was just about to leave when Boscha passed and stopped by us, "hey cutie..." she said in a seductive tone while winking at me. It was then I felt Luz's grip tighten on my hand but she tried not to show it. I ignored Boscha which wound her up, "I've missed you, you ran away so suddenly." she proceeded, trying to get a reaction from me. I looked at her, smirked then stuck my tongue out and gagged at her. She scoffed and stormed off which made Luz pull me to her, hug me and peck me on the lips. She started off and yelled out to me "see you after class honeybear!" seriously? Another nickname? I giggled at it because I like the wacky nicknames she comes up with and blew her a kiss before entering my classroom.

A/n: I know it's short and I hope you guys like it and it makes sense. I didn't want you waiting too long for the next part so I just gave it to you now. Byeee! 

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