Chapter One- Caught

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Tucking the few stray hairs that slipped over my ears I slowly made eyes with my prey for tonight. I watched as my targets expression turned from a slightly raised eyebrow to a look of hunger and just like that he was trapped. Under a spell he couldn't escape, humans were so easy to lure it was amazing what a pretty face could do. Leaning in to speak to his friend I could hear his every word as he whispered. "Be back later found the girl I'm turning into daddies little money girl for tonight" he snickered as he excused himself from the table as he slid his way out of the VIP booth as I turned my head back to my drink. This daddies boy didn't know what he was getting into as he walked his way over to me at the bar.

A hand slid around my waist as he rested it on the lining of my dress his fingers touching the skin of my thigh as he stood behind the back of my stool. Leaning in to my ear he whispered. "Hello baby, I seen you looking at me from across the bar and I never have seen a girl as beautiful as you". As he spoke the hand that was on my thigh gripped at my skin, I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes, how he thought this worked I don't know but the rumbling in my stomach made me not care who my next meal was. 

Rich men from the city always suited my taste... lawyers, directors, CEO'S, any man that came from money. Usually greed always made their blood the sweetest. Taking in a deep breathe I could smell the scent of Chypré Extraordinaire eau de parfum fill my nostrils an aftershave that sells on the market for $1450.00 per bottle. Every little breathe I took the smell grew stronger as excitement crept up my spine. It had been almost three weeks since my last feed. This was wolf territory I had to be smart with my meals. I didn't want any attention on me. 

"Can I buy you a drink anything you want, actually just for a drink with you I would buy out this entire bar " His voice was smug like he thought he was the most charming man in the bar. Biting down softly on my lip I slowly turned my head to face him. When our eyes meet I let them trail down his body. He oozed wealth, his entire suit made by Prada I could sense he came from money born into it with a silver spoon placed into his mouth.

Perfect hands that hadn't worked a day in their life not a single blemish or a day of hard work in sight. It was fun playing with my food reaching for his hand, I took it in mine the contrast between his tanned skin made my pale snow white skin look even lighter. Bringing his hand to my mouth I slipped his finger just past my lips as my tongue slid over his finger, I could feel him shiver before flinching as my fang slashed across his finger.

The mans eyes went wide a small look of alarm setting over his face, it faded fast after my tongue began lapping the blood. It was just like I thought his blood was sweet, full of greed and sin. Taking his hand from my mouth, I gently stood from my chair pulling him toward me as his glazed lustful eyes followed my entire body as we walked forward. I trailed him through the entire building out into the street, there was crowds everywhere. Taking in a deep smell the smell of dogs filled the air, all I could smell where wolves. I had to take him further away.

"Come with me" I smiled and he was more than happy to oblige as I trailed him three streets away from the club and into a pitch black ally. Inhaling deeply I couldn't smell wolf anywhere near here, I was finally safe to eat. I stopped walking as I turned my body towards him. I had walked him close to the wall so I could easily pin him against it. "I like a girl who's aggressive" he smirked.

I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes this time. Leaning my mouth up to his I placed a gentle kiss on his lips as his hand tightly grasped around me pulling me into him as he tried to deepen the kiss. Before he could do that I used my hand to grip tightly onto his head tilting it to the side expose his neck as I made trail of gentle kisses until I reached his main artery. My fangs extended as the pierced into his neck, he gasped in pain before the pleasure swept over him, the once tight grip he had broke as his hands fell to his side.

The rumbling in my stomach finally felt like it would come to an end as warm blood sapped into my mouth. I was thinking nothing in this moment as I felt my body coming back to life, just as my eyes where about to close so I could emerge myself in the moment they flew back open as pain rippled through my body. I could feel a row of perfect sharp teeth embedded in my leg, deep enough to touch my bone. I ripped away from my prey as the wolf that bit me drew back. I could feel the poison from his bite make it's way into my veins. My natural enemy baring its teeth at me as he paced back and forth.

"My, my I knew it was only a matter of time before you would come to the surface again for a meal " A voice called from the entrance of the alley. I could hear the heart beats of two, no three men as they sound of hard rubber boots echoed filling the emptiness. I could hear footsteps coming from both sides, I was surrounded. "You have been causing quite the trouble killing the rich young men of our society" I couldn't stop my face twisting with confusion. I never killed my food, it drew to much attention for this reason.

"I..." started to speak before the wolf lunged at me for a second time it's canines sinking into my arm as it tried to drag me to the ground. That's when I came face to face with the all black uniform of the pack police, known for their cruelty against vampires guilty or innocent. I almost couldn't stop the laughter that almost left my lips after only 100 years of freedom to be caught like this. It wouldn't be my end I would never go down without a fight. With a roaring fire lit inside me my eyes glared up to the largest wolf who was standing over me sneering at me like dirt.

"You will be the one I kill first" he looked amused at my words as his muscles tightened under his shirt. He was massive easily over 6ft 5 easily and built like a bear even for a wolf he looked like a monster. "You think you could kill me" he spat as he used the heel of his boot to grind my fingers into the ground. I could hear the crunching of my bones as my body shook with the urge to change, no I said I wouldn't do it again. "Let her go, let's see what you can...." as soon as he said that I was free from the mouths of the beast as I sprung to life.

I leapt on top of him before he could even react  as I wrapped my legs around his neck as I used my working hand to claw across his eyes. The yelp he let out set the other wolves into anger as the scrambled to reach him but it was too late. I dropped to the ground I front of him barley reaching his shoulder.

Pointing my fingers straight I shot my hand into his chest right underneath his ribs. His heart was in my hand and on the floor within seconds as he crumpled like paper. I turned to face my next opponent, no time for hesitation. I was one hand down and I could feel the poison of their bites eating into my body. I jumped into the first wolf who bit me, the one advantage we did have over the wolf was speed, they where built to fight we where built to kill. Grasping as its bottom jaw with my damaged hand my fingers met with sharp fangs that cut deep into the skin. Gripping the top half of its jaw with my other hand I pulled them away from each other, he died instantly as I used the leverage to snap its neck. Two down.

I set my eyes on the third, the other wolf who bit me. It was his turn, just as I was about to leap for him I was smashed into the ground. My body pinned against the hard cold floor as two massive paws held me down. A pair of piercing blue and gold eyes stared straight into mine as powerful jaws clasped around my neck. I could tell instantly this was no normal wolf. I could feel the power radiating from him the atmosphere felt like it changed from the power he emitted. I froze as the grip around my neck started to tighten, fangs piercings my skin. Every nerve in my body was screaming for me to change and fight but I promised myself it was something I would never do again. 

I was caught, this was the end. Slowly closing my eyes I accepted the fate laid out before me, to die at the hands of the enemy free from him. I felt relieved knowing I would die free but that couldn't stop the tears that rolled from my eyes.

I had only had just started to live after 500 years of being alive.

That's when I felt the grip around my neck loosen as a tongue lapped at the tears that spilled from my eyes. Confusion swept over me as my eyes flew open. Again I was greeted by the same piercing eyes before everything around me started to fade to black, the poison had ate its way through my body as I slipped away from the grasp of conscious.

The only thought that was running through my mind was why? Why didn't he kill me?

Hello All!

Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

Feedback welcomed and appreciated

Peace out x

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