Vixion Warfare : Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

"Hello, World. " it began. "Welcome to the Vix-i-on Research Enrichment Center. ask any question you have and prepare to be answered in the most meaningful way possible." Klaus backed up and was in awe. "whhoooo said that!? " "What would you like to know?" asked the computer. Klaus pressed the first thing he could find. "The Vixion Supremacy, founded in 2281, the Vixion Supremacy was a small indifferent rebellion made soul purposely to Destroy the Evil Doctor Longevitis Zowce's Army." Felicia and Klaus started to feel hesitant. he pressed the next button.

"The Tysten Renaissance. A strange phenomenon with the Vixion whereby the entire Vixion people are to use the power of the Tysten .......a Clairvoyance Magic to fight their battles Once again... only with the help of one..." the voice began to sound sterile and robotic "KLAUS EAGERMINE..." it stopped using that voice "to destroy the enemy, and bring the peace."

"I'm scared. what should we do?"  Felicia tried to  look for a small book for the purposes of opening up a secret passage way... but Klaus couldn't stop with the computer despite all fear. "The Tomboy.... A Sanctuary for all manner of Victims of the war..... Where nothing can go-!" pardon the Westworld Parody, but the Computer began to fizz up and die with sparks flying everywhere! "I'm too Chicken Shit to press anything else!" "well, whoever lives here must have some sort of secret passage way! some kind of Skeletons in his or her closet!" yelled Felicia! Cedric barged in with half his face blown off. he had a weird Voice Modulation problem and sounded like Kermit the Frog instead of his notable modest cop voice! "well," he said "that means you would have to go through all that trouble!" Felicia started to freak out! she was sweating like a fucking monkey in a Jailcell! "Cedric! what HAaAaAaAaaaAaaaaaaAAAPENED!?" he screamed in sheer horror! meanwhile, Derek heard rumble sounds coming from everywhere. "Amy?" said Derek... Amy was changing and getting her make up done. "what is it, Derek?" Derek stopped for a  minute... "If this is gonna involve that damn Contact sound effect one more time I'm gonna scream..." Derek poked out his antennae further to the side. She began to hear it, it was the Rumbling of various Enemy ships going into Warp Speed all at once zooming up into their vicinity! "Derek, you're right! whatever that Rumbling is It doesn't appear to be of any convenience!"

Klaus got out his Cerestaff and strafed to the side of the wall next to the fucking Study's door. "hey where's your ass going?" said Cedric, his speech modulation starting to deteriorate as time went.  but soon enough .... he heard the sound of the most cringe inducing kind... The Kassera were climbing the Exterior of the Tomboy with pick axes!  and they weren't the Only ones there, either! some had invaded the entire Tomboy itself and were shooting the place up! Derek had barricaded the door to the room, and meanwhile, as Klaus was looking for Kassera to fight, he heard them in the air ducts... Klaus started to get all wery of his surroundings, but he knew they wouldn't just find the place without first being sent in by a ship...unless Zowce was there! "Klaus!" yelled Felicia ! "there are Kassera everywhere! why are you just strafing the walls like Solid Snake!?" Klaus rhaspberried. "Snakes can be Solid?" suddenly, the Kassera made it out of the Air Ducts and into the hallway Klaus was in. he blasted the Kassera with his staff. he began stabbing the Kassera in the face, and until he found a taller Kassera in his way, while the entire Tomboy went up in flames. The Restaurant Court was in shambles, the lobby and meeting halls were being raided for all they were worth, and Klaus began looking for the Feistiest Kassera he could point out. "Klaus!" "What is it this...tttiiiiiii-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Klaus couldn't believe it! it was Jasper with a melting face and eyes like white desolate flame. he was a hallucination Klaus was having from too much stress!

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