What's going on...

"Scorpius? I thought— where's Mae, Bonnie?" I asked, looking back at Draco to see if he had any clue but he looked as though he'd seen a ghost.

Scorpius laughed.

"So I was thinking we could go to Diagon alley today" he said, a small smile showing on his lips as he sat down at the table.

"What? I'm not going any where with you— I'm seriously not playing this shit with any of you, you both are really scaring me. I want my daughter, where is she Draco?" I stood from the chair, backing away from the both of them.

"What? Daughter? Anna are you ok?" Scorpius asked, a look of Worry now on his face as he stood.

"No..." I whispered, a hand coving over my mouth as my brain stared to click "I'm not— this can't be, fuck" my breathing started to get shallow, my heart thumbing wildly. I cursed under my breath as I watched Draco stand up beside me.

"Miss Moore..." he said cautiously.

"Father— What did you do!?" Scorpius gave Draco a dangerous glare.

"Nothing. She just came down stairs like this" they continued to argue but as I backed away, their voice got more muffled, canceling out in my ears due to the high pitched ringing.

This isn't true.

I looked back to both of them before bolting out of the room, struggling not to fall from the stairs as I ran up them and towards Elora's room. I fiddled with the door handle and pushed it open.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

An old piano, white walls and the violin.

"Shit. No, no, no" I sobbed, covering a hand over my mouth as I stumbled back out into the hallway.

It couldn't of been a dream, I can't lucid dream.

I turned around and rushed to the bathroom, pushing open Draco's bedroom door to see my stuff gone. I let out another cry before going to his bathroom and lifting up the black shirt in the mirror, twisting my body to stare down at my arse.

It's gone.

I felt my throat tighten, my breath failing to leave my mouth. My hands reached up and started to claw my throat, blood drenching the underneath of my fingernails, desperate to let a breath escape, my mind racing and heart beating too fast. I fell backwards and landed in his bath tub.

The exact one we'd shared many baths together. Looking to my left I see the perfect and Un cracked shower door, where my water broke. I place my hands on the side of the bath, the blood from my throat running down the white tile, completely numb to the pain I should be feeling.

A knock came to the door but I couldn't speak, my vision blurry from the tears so I couldn't see when someone came in. I felt as though the word was moving in slow motion, spinning and twisting around me while I sat still, hot tears running down my flushed cheeks.

It was all gone. He was gone, the love of my life was gone, my daughter was gone, my fucking family was all a dream. My life progressed in my mind with out me moving a muscle.

"Anna?" The sounds echoed as I closed my eyes, the black of my eye lids providing the only comfort I thought I could feel "Anna, please look at me"

I couldn't.

I didn't understand. What I felt was real, my love was real, his love was real. The moments we shared from bad to good, it was all real. The way he looked at me, the way he laughed at my stupid jokes, the way he looked at his daughter, the love he shared for us, it was all real.

In my mind.

The reality where I had what I wanted, where I had the courage to leave the abuse, to allow myself to love and trust again, where I felt safe and loved, where i didn't feel like a little girl, it wasn't real.

His touch on my bare skin, his kisses and the way he made me feel was fading. His smile, his words, everything that he had done for the little family we created was gone. I felt like too much had happened, I refused to wrap my head around the fact that it was all finished, not real and just a figure of my imagination. 

I was confused how my mind could conjure such images, all the touch, all the feelings... it felt so real and so intimate. The situations that happened, how I was treated, how every one spoke, how I thought, how magic felt when I cast it, it was all so very real.

At least I thought it was.

I cuddled my body, still with my eyes closed as i titled my head and started to hit against the hard wall. A stinging pain shooting through my skull but I was numb to it, I needed to feel something and if it wasn't his love, his touch, then it needed to be this, the only thing I could feel.

"Take me back" I whispered, a tear hitting the skin of my knee "Please take me back" it started to turn into a chant, each hit would accompany the same sentence leaving my mouth in a mere whisper.

But in the black of my eye lids, the tip of my minds eye, he caught my head in the palm of his hand, pulling me close to his chest, hearing his faint heartbeat in my ears and telling me I was ok, whispering sweet nothings in my ear and telling me that he loves me unconditionally.

"I love you, I always have" he whispered, feeling his warmth and comfort surround me one last time.

"But... you're not real" I whispered back, feeling the ghost of his touch against my skin, each second it felt like he was fading away, un focusing into mist that filled air, the image of his face, of Elora's, starting to feel like a distant memory.

"I know"

I really thought I deserved to be happy.

I'm sorry, I truely am.

There was two endings I wrote... I was convinced to go with this one.

Send me the bills for y'all therapy.

Word count 1665.

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