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AnnaLeigh Malfoy

Elora Adriana Malfoy.

Born a month early on the 25th of August.

She was gorgeous. Curly light brown hair with the most beautiful hazel coloured eyes. At least they looked hazel. With a new born it's too hard to tell what colour they will turn with time.

Her skin was milky and soft as she laid asleep on my chest. Draco was asleep in the arm chair next to me, Kehlani on my other side. Albus, Tiffany and Pandora had left just an hour ago and my mother was currently grabbing herself a cup of coffee from the cafeteria.

Elora was hooked up to cords here and there. Her being premature meant she required much help and couldn't leave the hospital within the normal three day period.

The doctors said her being premature had something to do with my miscarriage earlier on with the other baby.

Other then that, the labour went as normal as it could of gone, of course it wasn't easy, no delivery ever is. The pain was nothing like I had experienced until now.

Despite her being premature she was at a healthy size. I was always told from the nurses that she was bigger then she was supposed to be at almost all of my ultrasounds. They said that she was set to leave the hospital within the next week which Draco and I were thrilled about.

"I got you some tea. Figured you would need it" my mother entered the room with two cups, placing one down on the table beside me.

"Thank you, mama" I smiled as she put down her cup and reached towards Elora. I stretched my arms and handed her to my mother before grabbing the tea and taking a small sip.

"Why don't you get some sleep? You must be exhausted" my mother said as I nodded and took one last sip of my tea before turning over to the other side and closing my eyes.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to be met with the harsh bright light of the hospital room.

I pulled my hand from the blanket and flickered my wrist to close the blind before I was able to open my eyes fully. I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes.

Reaching over to Elora's bed to find she wasn't there. Panic rose in me for a minute before I realised Draco wasn't beside me either. I put two and two together and figured Draco had her.

I looked down to the alarm clock that was beside me and realised it was 12 in the afternoon. I had slept so long but I knew I needed it. 

After a minute Draco walked back into the room empty handed as my eye brow rose "Where's Elora?"

"With Clara. She has some blood tests and stuff, just to make sure she's ok" he said softly as he came and sat next to me "She truly is beautiful Anna. I'm so proud of you" he kissed my cheek.

I smiled at his warm touch "Where did everyone else go?"

"Went home. They were tired as well. Clara suggested I go home to but I refused to leave you and Elora" he placed his hand over mine as I smiled and laid back down.

"My.... lower area is killing me right now" I groaned as Draco lightly traced my face with his finger tips.

"The doctors can up your dosage but I told them not too" he said as I stopped and glared at him.

"Why?" I raised an eye brow as he smiled.

"I am also a doctor, Anna. You take more then you already have and you won't feel a thing and I mean a thing" he laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Here we are!" Clara walks into the room without knocking and hands Draco Elora "She is perfectly fine and will be able to leave the hospital in a few short days! Earlier then expected!"

"Ok, thank you" Draco smiled politely as he held her gently in his arms. It was truly a beautiful sight to see. Knowing the tough personality and how rough he can be, it was so different to see him so gentle with Elora, his carefully he held her and how he would kiss her forehead lightly.

"If I'd known you were like this with kids, I would of got knocked up sooner" I joked as Draco handed her to me.

"If I'd known she would look so much like you I would of done it too. Scorpius pretty much only looks like me and its painful when he does such shit" Draco said as he stared at Elora in awe.

"Well- um. Why don't we take her for a little walk in the hospital garden? A bit of sun will do you both some good, she has your pale arse skin" I laughed as Draco smiled.

"She does, doesn't she?" He laughed "As long as we're back before my parents arrive. Don't wanna not be here when they do, considering how out last encounter played out with my father"

Last time we saw his parents was at the Baby shower and let's just say that Lucius had some shit to say about my pregnancy. I kicked him out within the first 10 minutes. I was scared to see him today, but excited to see Narcissa. She was always lovely to Draco and I. It was just Lucius that was the problem.

"We'll never mind. I don't need another reason for your father to be mad at me" I laughed as I stood from the hospital bed "I do need a shower tho"

"Can I-"

"Last time I let you follow me into the bathroom you induced my labour" I said as he nodded and stood to take Elora off me. He sat back down with her cradled in his arms while I took off took he shower.

I decided that when I had the proper amount of time I would have a bath, soling my stitches and just relax after the last 9 months I have had.

I turned on the shower as the hot water ran down my back, biting my skin but in a good way. I tied my hair up into a bun, this shower was just to wash and soak my aching body. My body wash was in the suit case in the delivery room so I just used what the hospital had put out for me, it didn't smell that bad but it could smell better.

I washed every area of my body like I hadn't washed sun ages, not one part of me was bare, I was covering in thin white soap bubbles. I stepped backwards into the water, washing everything off my as I sighed. The silence was peaceful.

After a little I turned the shower off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself before stepping back into the room where I found Draco sitting in the same spot he was before except Elora was now asleep in his arms.

I smiled sweetly and walked over to wart all my clothes were, just getting a comfy pair of sweatpants and shirt. I don't think I will be dressing to impress anytime soon.

I quickly threw that on and walked back over to Draco, sitting on the chair next to him, looking over his shoulder at our daughter. I loved they was Draco looked at her, it was pure love, soulmates. It made my body warm. This was my little family.

"Oh my parents are here by the way" and the moment was ruined. I took out a deep breath and nodded.

"Can you change Elora. She looks cold" I asked as he nodded and stood with her. I stayed sitting down, running my hands together as I mentally prepared myself for HIM.

Thoughts on the name?

I absolutely love the name Elora but I didn't know what middle name would suit it so I hope it's ok.

Word count 1342.

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